America, isn’t is time for men and women to actively demonstrate greater awareness, kindness and respect? With so many “relationship challenged” Americans, a majority of men and women would agree to celebrating this idea and would be willing to try a different path to happiness. Who better to aid in the transition than writer/physician Dr. Michael Hall, author of The American Gentleman: A Contemporary Guide to Chivalry (1st Books Library, $10.50 paperback, $3.95 e-book).

Hall has taken a leadership role in the development of a modern view of the “gentleman” – a man who actively pursues the chivalric high road and realizes his character is linked to his deeds. With a fresh twist on the topic in today’s society, Hall looks to some past philosophy and traditions to develop a current guide towards civility and kindness.

Hall encourages readers to improve personal character and promotes this idea by asking the reader to focus on what is truly more important: loved ones, family and community. “Many men and women have become preoccupied with their own needs and have forgotten about others, making them dismiss their personal, parental and social responsibilities,” he explains. “It’s time for men to rethink their priorities and make necessary changes to become an American gentleman.”

So how does one become a gentleman in a modern day world? He or she simply has to think of others before himself. Hall provides many examples the framework to lead a more chivalrous life:

Seek greatness in character. “Often men and women are unwilling to invest in one another and instead are seeking to know what makes each other vulnerable,” Hall says.

Know that romance is wonderful. “It is never unmanly to be romantic and to enjoy romance,” he says.

Advocate honor and respect for women, no matter who they are or what role they have in society. According to Hall, “By celebrating womanhood, a man remakes himself.”

Place the concern of others before one’s own. “A gentleman enjoys sharing –whether a newspaper, a sandwich or his wife’s kindness,” says Hall.

“Being a gentleman compels others to become more civil and kind” says Hall. “By applying some of the philosophies highlighted in the book, men will see they are impacting others lives in a more positive way.”

The American Gentleman: A Contemporary Guide to Chivalry is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders booksellers. It can also be downloaded as an e-book or purchased directly at More information on Dr. Hall and the publication are also available at

About Michael Hall

Michael J. Hall, MD devoted six years writing The American Gentleman A Contemporary Guide to Chivalry. As a young man, Hall was interested in what made a gentleman different than other men. On a personal mission, he set out to write a book that could provide answers to his own questions: to discover the qualities necessary for developing a state of character. During this quest, Hall has traveled the world in search of the gentlemen's spirit.

He has practiced in New Orleans and later served a heroin treatment and methadone clinic located in New York City giving him a unique opportunity to help others overcome addiction. Interested in health care for all, Hall recently received a Master’s degree in health care management and policy from the Robert F. Wagner School of Public Service-New York University.

Living in Kansas City, Missouri, Hall is 35, single and currently completing a community and family medicine residency, with an emphasis on longevity medicine.

About the Author

The American Gentleman: A Contemporary Guide to Chivalry is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Borders booksellers. It can also be downloaded as an e-book or purchased directly at More information on Dr. Hall and the publication are also available at