Being Happy

Being Happy

 by: Anusuya Veth

How can one be happy? Is it a tough question? To some it may be but not to all of us.

Happiness is like a ray of sunlight which warms us and keeps us glowing. We can't live without it and if you think that happiness is a word never to be found in your dictionary think again as here are some simple tips on how to usher the ray of elation to your life.

1. Smile

What easier way is there to reach happiness than smiling? A smile a day keeps all nasty feelings away. That's my mantra but you too can follow it. A smile shows others that you are positive and joyful and somehow it brings a glow to you & makes you more approachable to the others.

2. Think Positive

If you are always sad and down thinking you will always be the born loser, brighten up. Thinking postive is something you have to do to keep the happy hormones & vibes around you. So axe away all that pessimistic thoughts!

3. Talk to your pals

Had a bad day at work? You can talk it over with your close buddies. It has been found that those who speak out about their woes and sorrows feel much better than those who keep all the feelings bottled up. Too much stress hurts and drives happiness away. So the next time you feel like your world is crashing hop on over to your friend's place for a cosy chat.

4. Do What You Love

Is there any joy doing what we all dislike? Nope. I agree that not all of us are fortunate to get a job which allows us to do what we love but you can still do what you like in your spare time. Hobbies are one area where you can get much elation doing what you love.

We all can find happiness if we try and work hard. So never say that happiness is a word you can only dream of finding. Go be happy and live a life you want!