Belief Is Essential For Success

Why Belief Is Essential For Success
Copyright Gordon Bryan 2003

Want to unlock your potential?
Want to move forward to success?

Well neither of these will happen in a month of
Sundays without belief.

I always harp on about attitude being the magic
word, and belief is one attitude you MUST have.
Not only that, but there are TWO types of
beliefs needed!

The first is belief that it will happen.
Whatever your goal is, however you want to
improve your life, whatever wealth you want, in
order for any of it to come true, you need to
believe that it will happen.

You need to know this for a fact, not just some
wishy-washy hope that it would be nice, but know
for a fact that it can and willhappen to YOU.

The second belief is in yourself as a person, and
your right to succeed and enjoy abundance.

Abundance is all around, but most people do not
tap into it, they don't grab their fair share,
because they just don't believe.

They either feel they are undeserving of the
good things, or they believe that something or
someone will wreck their plans.
Can you guess who that 'someone' is, that will
wreck your plans?

Without the two cast-iron beliefs firmly in place,
you will not see your plans through, you won't go
that extra mile, you won't be prepared to pay the

You ARE worth it!
You, me, all of us, we are individuals making
our own way thru the journey of life.

Each of us is a worthy person, and fully deserves
to enjoy life, whatever that may mean to each
of us.

As one of your affirmations, tell yourself that
you are a strong and worthy person, and your 2
beliefs will be nicely in place to support your
efforts all the way.

You will know that you are worthy of the success,
and you will know you have the strength to
overcome any hurdles.

Gordon Bryan is a marketer from the UK and writes
The Great Gordino Newsletter, a free resource
focusing on self improvement, goal achievement
and wealth creation. You can sign up free at:

About the Author

Gordon Bryan writes The Great Gordino Newsletter, focusing on self improvement, goal achievement and wealth creation.