Better Off Dead

Jennifer Wilbanks, the now infamous Runaway Bride, will now face either criminal or civil charges in relation to the phone call made to 911 authorities on Saturday night, April 30th. Jennifer "disappeared" Tuesday night after she went jogging, but called 4 days later to say that she was stranded in the middle of nowhere after having been abducted by a Hispanic man White woman. North America watched sceptically, as her fiance, John Mason, professed his heartache and concern for her safety.

Her daily actions are now being reviewed, as prosecutors look for a deliberate attempt to deceive not only her soon to be husband, but the town authorities as well. Jennifer claimed that she made a spur of the moment decision to flee, yet records show that she had called for a cab before she went jogging. She also claims to have only left with around 150 $ is cash, yet a ticket for just one of her bus trips would have cost more than that.

Jennifer has some explaining to do! She had to have realized that her fiance would be put under a heavy cloud of suspicion, especially with the Scott Pederson’s case fresh of everyone’s mind. What about the couple that she befriended on her bus ride to Albuquerque? She used them as her model abductors. How about the pain and suffering she caused her family? The village of Duluth are also piping hot mad. They want Jennifer Wilbanks to personally reimburse them for their time spent looking for her!

What gall she had! What gumption! The thought of her being alive and well ruined everyone’s day! Is it her fault that CNN picked up the story and ran it on an hourly basis? Is she the only person to have taken off to Vegas a few days before getting married? A case can be made for Jennifer simply being a victim of this age of information. Yet it is because of this Age, that people can be found safely. Within hours of being reported missing, a white person can now rely on their picture being on national television, and authorities looking for them. If you were suspected if being kidnapped by a minority, then you get the additional resources of the FBI added to the mix. Only one problem, Jennifer’s body wasn’t cold, she just had cold feet.

About the Author

Gary Whittaker is the editor of T.E.N Magazine, a social commentary webzine with balls! Check out more articles at