What is spirituality in the workplace? Some companies would tell you
that it is bringing your values to work and using them in everyday
life. Values like honesty, integrity, and good quality work. Other
companies would tell you it is treating each customer, employee and
co-worker with respect and love. Yes I said "love". For yet other
companies it is using prayer, meditation, in making all the small and
large decisions each day. And for some it is being socially
responsible for the community, enviroment, and the world. They see
their companies serving the three "P's" people,planet and profit.
Some key values that companies are embracing are:Key spiritual values
embraced in a business context include integrity, honesty,
accountability, quality, cooperation, service, intuition,
trustworthiness, respect, justice, and service. More and more companies
believe this approach exemplifies a balance between deeply held
spiritual values and respect for the need for profit in business
With more women in the workplace than ever before (studies show that
women are more concerned with the spirit) we are in a revolution in the
workplace that the whole person be reflected in the workplace.
How do I find a job I really enjoy? How do I find meaning in my work?
Is there more meaningful work I should be doing? How does my
spirituality fit in with my career? People are asking these questions
of themselves and their companies.
Since we spend so much of our lives working and so much of ourselves
these are valid questions to be asking.
Corporate scandals fill the headlines but Signs of spirituality in the
workplace keep turning up: companies not only allowing but sponsoring
prayer or meditation groups; company-sponsored chaplains; conferences
and executive training sessions that experiment with spiritual
practices or how to incorporate values into decision making; and how to
use prayer as a way of making decisions. I think these headlines
should dominate the headlines. There is a shift going on in business
involving, going beyond maximizing profits to considering all
stakeholders: employees, customers, vendors, shareholders, and the
Now that more and more people are doing business on the internet and
companies have gone global the community has expanded as has the
enviroment to a global village.
I believe that Joseph Campbell showed the way when he said follow your
bliss. What he meant was that we should notice the things that give us
deep joy and a feeling of satisfaction. People are not only looking
toward following their bliss but having meaning in their work. In the
agricultural age one saw the results of their work. Now so many times
people only do a small piece of a large project and never see any
results of the whole. So it is more important than ever that they do
what they love and love what they do. We yearn for work to be a place
in which we both experience and express our deep soul and spirit.
What would a more spiritual workplace mean for people? It would mean that work is a place beyond earning our daily bread. A place where the whole person can express themselves. It would also mean through our creative contribution that other peoples spirit and creativity would be nourished.e Self (their aliveness).
Creativity is the core of business. It will allow us to come out with new products, ideas, and services that serve other people. To realize this goal we must create enviroments where spirit flourishes. When people incorporate spirituality they work more efficiently as teams for they are living values that nuture others. By being more ethical companies are able to trust employees, employees can give up some of the fear of being scammed by employers and customers trust the company and stay with them longer.
When we exercise leadership based on spiritual values, we build the character and reputation required for growth.
About the Author
About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal you can subscribe at http://www.motherearthpublishing.com