Burn outand how to avoid it

"To wear out or become exhausted by leading a hectic life."

This week, I was so "burned out" that I'd just had it.

Too many problems at work.
Too much to do at home, and not enough time to do it.
Way behind on computer projects, including my writing.

Well guess what?

I've learned the hard way that you must learn to sense "burn out"
before it happens, in order to avoid it at all costs.

It takes way too much time to get over it, if you don't take action
before it hits.

So here's what you do.

Take a break the minute you feel "burn out" coming on.
Focus on something that makes you happy.
No! Not someone else. YOU!

I know, I know. How can we possibly take a break when we know
there are too many tasks and not enough time?

Tell me how we can even imagine relief when everything is spiraling
out of control?

Enough is enough.
Get over it already.
Move on with your life.
It's not brain surgery; it's your life.
Live it!
Love it!
Be Happy!

Sure. Easy for me to say right?
My life is not out of control and headed for the sewer...
Well guess what?
Sometimes it is, but I've figured out through my years of wisdom,
(don't ask me how many) that it's not a catastrophe.
Life goes on.
Your Life...

What are you going to do to make it better?
Who is going to help you?
How many times do we have to say it?

Life is short.
It's meant to be lived.
You are meant to love and be loved.

So get over it and start enjoying yourself.

For Goodness Sake.
No one else can do it for you.
No one else can make your choices in life.
So quit acting like a spoiled brat and start using your talents.

Quit feeling like you are less than superior, because you aren't.
Quit saying "I just can't do what I want", because you can.
Quit relying on other people for your happiness.

Come on!
Common sense here Ladies and Gentlemen.
Nothing miraculous or unexpected.
Just hard-earned wisdom.

Once and for all, make your dreams a reality.
You know you can!
Other people know you can!
You will if it is important enough to you and your future.

Coni Cecil
Always planning for the Future,
but desperately trying to LIVE in the present.
Oh, and avoiding "Burn Out" whenever possible.
Instant info: mailto:freedom@leadlightning.com

© Copyright 2003 Coni Cecil
All rights reserved.

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About the Author

Coni Cecil is an Internet Marketer, with a passion for
Freedom, and a belief that all dreams can come true.