Career Coaching Needs To Stop....When...

Career Coaching Needs To Stop....When...

 by: Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

(Here are some ideas from the other side of the desk, from the coach's point of view, not the coachee!)

1. The person the coach is working with doesn't do the necessary work on him/herself to find a a reasonable job goal.

2. The coachee lies.

3. The coach lies.

4. Once the coaching process has started, the person being coached changes goals several times.

5. Payment for services is haphazard.

6. Mutual trust in each other, fails.

7. Appointments for services are missed without explanation.

8. The coachee looks for other advice frequently, without informing the coach. (Coachees should look for other resources but the coaching process comes first in an open dialogue with the coach.)

9. Personalities begin to clash.

10. Any other conflict, which makes a positive outcome, untenable. All process in the coaching relationship is based on positive feelings and mutual friendly regard. The work is understood to be finding a good job.

11. The coach violates confidentiality.