Change Your Focus and Change Your Results

Change Your Focus and Change Your Results

 by: Roger Seip

In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret, author Earl Nightingale made one of the most profound observations of the 20th century. He said:

“You become what you think about all day long.”

Brian Tracy, in his incredible book Maximum Achievement, explains the “Law of Concentration”, which states that “What you dwell upon grows.” What both Nightingale and Tracy are talking about is the issue of focus. What you invest your energy thinking about, looking at and focusing on will multiply itself in your Life. What does this mean to you?

It means that you must be very careful about where you direct your focus. When confronted with adversity, is your focus on the problem or on the solution to that problem? The choice is yours, and whichever you focus on is what you get more of. It means that you have to be mindful of what you read, what you watch and who you invest your time with. These input sources will redirect your focus and therefore what you attract into your Life. You can argue if you like, but it is an undeniable truth that whatever you focus on most intently and most often, you get.

So as we head out of 2003 and into 2004, I urge you- pay attention to where you focus and really what you focus upon. Change that and you’ll not only feel different, but you’ll see an immediate change in your results.

I look forward to our continued correspondence in the New Year. Make it a TERRIFIC day, and…


Roger Seip