CongratulationsYou're Human!

Are you feeling depressed?
Do you feel disconnected from others?
Have you been feeling confused about the meaning of your life?


In our culture, we have taught ourselves that feeling any kind of despair is a sign of weakness. We do all that we can to keep ourselves so busy we won't notice how we really feel.

It's sad that our ideas of what is healthy are too often shaped by advertising from drug companies. The fact is that the VAST majority of those who feel the above "symptoms" are absolutely normal.

Our feelings of depression, disconnection and despair (so many D-words...) are simply signs that we need to reevaluate the way we are living. Something is out of balance, and we feel it deep down.

But guess what? It isn't necessarily our brain chemistry that needs attention. It's our lifestyles, our choices, and the fact that we are ignoring the major issues in our lives.

Here's a thought: look at your feelings of disconnection as a welcome warning sign. Feel grateful that you are astute enough to notice!

Celebrate the fact that you have paid attention. It's easy to ignore, to mask, or to medicate these signs of imbalance. If you choose to acknowledge your feelings, you are WAY ahead of the game.

Excellent humans use their MINDS. Use yours. Follow your own life philosophy as a road map to excellence.

It's your dutyand your privilegeas a thinker.

About the Author

Maya Talisman Frost is a mind masseuse. As a teacher, facilitator and mediator, she has been helping others engage their formidable frontal lobes since 1983. Her popular course, "Massage Your Mind!: Defining Your Life Philosophy", has inspired thinkers in over 60 countries around the world. Her free weekly e-zine, the Friday Mind Massage, is designed to ease you into a thoughtful weekend. To subscribe, visit today. Thanks for thinking!