Consider the Conditions You Are In

Consider the condition you are in. Think about your life. Your job, your finances, your health, your relationships. Do you ever wonder what brought about the conditions of each area? How much of it was God? How much of it was other people? How much of it was you?

I believe in the law of attraction. Jesus said, “Whatsoever things you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.” (Mark 11:24) The conditions you are in are not by accident.

This concept goes pretty deep and I don’t claim to have all the answers. All I know is what the bible says and what I draw from my own life experiences. I have had some real tough times in my past, and probably just like you, I made excuses and cast blame on God and other people. I played the role of the victim and rendered myself completely helpless in many situations.

One day it hit me when my pastor said something in a sermon. It caused me to finally admit to myself that I had made some bad decisions. I don’t even remember what he said and it doesn’t matter. It was a “God thing.” Many times, God speaks through people and this was one of those times.

It was only until I took full responsibility for my circumstances, is when positive change came about. I then became empowered and finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, I definitely made some bad decisions, but was eventually able to get things straightened out. They say good judgment comes from having poor judgment. How true!
I challenge you to take an inventory of your life and see where you may have been missing it. Let down your pride and ask yourself, can any of this be my own fault? You might be surprised and discover new strength and power.

About the Author

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life" Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches people how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan's 14 page report entitled, "5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity," when you sign up.