CranioSacral Therapists - 4-Part Formula for a High-Payoff Newsletter

The concept of connection is fundamental to CranioSacral Therapy - and to CranioSacral Therapists who want to attract new clients.

From a physical perspective, we know that every bit of muscle, fiber and bone is intricately connected to every other one through that paper-thin membrane called fascia.

As a therapist, you tap that fascial connection to release pressure on the central nervous system so the entire body, now free of restriction, can function as it was born to.

In that same way, you can tap your direction of ease to create communication connections with potential clients that naturally releases resistance and inspires them to call YOU.

Your energetic connection begins with the healthy mindset you adopt as you shift from the idea of selling to serving through your marketing communications.

From there you move into a physical connection ~ the way in which you use your materials to connect with potential clients.

One of the most generous ways of connecting is by offering valuable, educational information through a newsletter, either in print or in an e-mail format like this one (called an ezine).

There's a simple formula for creating a newsletter that forms a strong bond with your prospects. Combine these 4 distinct elements to create a high-payoff connection:

Element #1: Personal Message From You

Connecting through a newsletter should feel like you're having a personal conversation with your reader.

You'll deepen that experience when you open with a short personal message from you. You come across as more open, more accessible. More human. Someone your reader can relate to.

So feel free to open up a bit. You don't have to share every detail of your life. (Nor should you.) But do give your readers a peek inside.

It's a personal, powerful way to reinforce the bond you share along the path to full-bodied health.

Element #2: Short Article, Tip or Client-Outcome Story

It's easy to get overwhelmed with the idea of writing an article. But the truth is, most people don't even want to read the kind of opus you might have in mind.

Newsletter articles should be short and focused, especially if it's delivered via e-mail as an ezine. Shoot for 700 words or fewer.

To help, imagine you're peering into a house through a keyhole. You know there's a whole room on the other side. But you can only see one tiny spot right there in front of you.

Focus your writing on that one tiny spot and let all the other ideas fade away. Then you'll have a satisfying, bite-sized article your readers can put to good use.

If you still can't find your way to writing short, helpful articles, consider using health tips or client-outcome stories that clearly show the before-and-after potential of your work.

They'll position you as an educated ally in your prospect's health and well-being.

Element #3: Short Bio

What makes you the best practitioner for your ideal client? Share that in a short bio.

Yes, you can include your years of training and experience. But also be sure to say who you love to help, what that person is struggling with, and what she gets out of working with you.

That lends your bio valuable context that instantly allows your reader to select herself ~ or someone she knows ~ for your services.

Element #4: Tell Your Reader Her Next Step

Once your reader knows that you offer something she needs, she needs to know what to do next.

This is where it pays to remember that touch therapy is an intimate relationship. Someone who's been reading your newsletter for awhile may feel like she knows you, likes you and trusts you. Yet it's still a big leap to go from reading an article to lying on your treatment table.

Bridge that gap by offering a short, complimentary phone consult so your ideal candidate can find out firsthand how your therapy can help her.

Add 5 Grams: Connect on a Consistent Basis

Once you've got the 4-part formula down, deepen the connection by reaching out to your potential clients on a regular basis.

How often? At least once a month.

By reaching out once a month or more, your prospect is more likely to remember who you are. And each message builds on the one before it, expanding her understanding of your expertise.

Then when your prospect needs the help you deliver, you're the first person she calls. That's when you enjoy the pay-off of a healthy communications connection.