Creative Problem-Solving: Following Your Stream of Consciousness

Creative problem-solving is an art form that requires you to think outside the box. It involves looking at a problem from a different perspective and coming up with unique solutions. One way to do this is by following your stream of consciousness. This means tapping into your subconscious mind and allowing your thoughts to flow freely. In this article, we’ll explore how following your stream of consciousness can help you solve problems creatively.

What is stream of consciousness?

Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that was popularized by writers like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf. It involves writing down your thoughts as they come to you, without any structure or editing. The goal is to capture the chaos of the mind and the interconnectedness of all our thoughts.

While stream of consciousness has been primarily used in literature, it can also be a useful tool for problem-solving. By allowing your thoughts to flow freely and without judgment, you can come up with solutions that you may not have otherwise thought of.

The benefits of following your stream of consciousness

When we try to solve a problem, our minds often get stuck in a certain way of thinking. We try to come up with solutions using the same thought patterns, which can limit our creativity. Following your stream of consciousness can help you break free from these patterns and come up with unique ideas.

Following your stream of consciousness also allows you to tap into your subconscious mind. Our subconscious minds are incredibly powerful and can come up with solutions that our conscious minds may not have considered. By allowing your thoughts to flow freely, you can tap into this powerful resource.

How to follow your stream of consciousness

Following your stream of consciousness is simple. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and start writing down your thoughts. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar, or coherence. Just write down whatever comes to your mind. Here are some tips to get you started:

Start with a clear problem statement: Before you start following your stream of consciousness, it’s important to have a clear problem statement. This will help guide your thoughts and keep you focused.

Find a quiet space: To really tap into your subconscious mind, you need a quiet space where you can be alone with your thoughts. Find a place where you won’t be interrupted and where you feel comfortable.

Set a timer: It’s easy to get lost in your thoughts when following your stream of consciousness. Setting a timer will help you stay focused and ensure that you don’t spend too much time on any one thought.

Write everything down: Don’t censor yourself or try to edit your thoughts. Write down everything that comes to your mind, even if it seems silly or irrelevant.

Review your notes: Once you’ve finished your stream of consciousness exercise, review your notes. Look for patterns or connections between your thoughts. You may find that some of your random thoughts actually contain the seed of a great idea.

Examples of stream of consciousness in action

To see how following your stream of consciousness can lead to creative problem-solving, let’s look at a few examples.

Example 1: You’re trying to come up with a name for a new product.

Start by writing down the problem statement: “I need to come up with a name for my new product.”

Next, start following your stream of consciousness. Here’s an example of what your notes might look like:

- The product is blue
- It’s made from recycled materials
- It’s eco-friendly
- The name should reflect the color and sustainability
- Blue Green? Green Blue? No, those are too obvious
- Blue Planet? No, that’s been done before
- Earthy Blue? Blue Earthy? Hmm…

After reviewing your notes, you might decide to go with the name “Earth Blue” for your new product. This name reflects the color of the product and its eco-friendly qualities.

Example 2: You’re trying to come up with a marketing campaign for a new business.

Start by writing down the problem statement: “I need to come up with a marketing campaign for my new business.”

Next, start following your stream of consciousness. Here’s an example of what your notes might look like:

- What’s the story behind my business?
- How can I make my business stand out?
- What’s my target audience?
- I want to create something memorable and emotional
- Maybe a video campaign?
- What if I told the story of how my business started?
- What if I used humor to create a viral campaign?

After reviewing your notes, you might decide to create a video campaign that tells the story of how your business started. By using humor and emotion, you can create a memorable campaign that resonates with your target audience.


Following your stream of consciousness can be a powerful tool for creative problem-solving. By allowing your thoughts to flow freely and without judgment, you can tap into your subconscious mind and come up with unique solutions. Whether you’re trying to name a new product or come up with a marketing campaign, following your stream of consciousness can help you break free from traditional ways of thinking and come up with innovative ideas.