Creative Thoughts

All thoughts are energy that attract like a magnet the content of the thoughts. If one believes in abundance and they think abundance then they always have abundance in their lives. If one thinks poverty then they also experience after their beliefs. Whole societies may hold the same thought then that society experiences the manifestation of that thought.
Life is like a mirror it reflects back to us our thoughts. We are the creators of our world. We must take responsibility for our thoughts for no one thinks inside your head but you.
Many of these thoughts that are being created in the physical world are
unconscious thoughts and beliefs that may have been handed down to you from parents, teachers, books, or your own fears.
First we have to recogise that we are constantly creating our reality. No two realities are just alike. When we take responsibility for manifesting our lives just as they are today we are beginning to understand the power we have.
There is now a quickening of this planet. The things that several years ago might have taken months or years to manifest, may manifest now in a few weeks.

If you believe that you cannot have money until you work very hard and save for years then it is so for you. If you believe that you inherited a disease so it is for you. If you believe you cannot be happy until you are married then so it is for you.

This is how manifestation works for all of us.

Spirit -> Thought -> Emotion -> Effort -> Materialization

1.To manifest your dreams take a deep breath and relax.

2. Sit down and clearly state your desire in writing.(Why in writing
because it takes it out of realm of ideas and makes it physical.}

3. Go inside yourself and think about your hearts desire. If you could only have one desire what would you manifest? Let your heart answer this question.
4. Put this written desire where you can see it daily.
5. Visulize seeing yourself already having this desire. Make this picture as life like as possible. Add all the senses if possible.
Seeing,hearing,smelling,feeling,tasting the sucess.
6. Let go to the Higher Power.
7. Have faith your Higher Power is manifesting this desire now.

Once you have done these things you will manifest your intents and desires easily.

About the Author

About the Author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal and the owner of Mother Earth publishing. She publishes A Light In The Window edition of Jassmine's Journal weekly you can subscribe to all her lists at