Customer Satisfaction

When people buy a product or service, what they are buying are the benefits, value and satisfaction afforded by ownership or consumption.

Customer and consumer satisfaction is based on the extent to which their expectations are satisfied through the benefit and value accruing as the result of ownership or consumption.

Part of this also concerns ever-increasing expectations: people now expect ever-greater levels of customer service; no quibble money back guarantees; prompt attention to complaints etc. For larger and more considered purchases e.g. cars, computers - people expect enduring and prompt after-sales service, maintenance and repairs when necessary.

Once customer expectations have been raised, it's very difficult to reduce them. Customers will expect the problem to be solved, so something has to be conceded in return e.g. a reduction in price, or other form of free extras.

Expert marketers also now understand that it is much easier to keep a customer than to gain one. Yet even these days large companies (reported on media television programmes) still make the same basic mistakes with service.

Is there hope at all?

About the Author

Christopher owns an ad company