De-Clutter Your Life

Dr. Rick Schaefer, Law of Attraction Expert and Life Coach, offers one of the lessons contained in his new book "Extreme Thought Makeover". His book is collection of daily lessons designed to help people bring more abundance and joy into their lives.

Book Excerpt: Day 10 Detachment

Day 10 - Detachment: Toss Something Out

In order to achieve a feeling of total security and total freedom, it is necessary to let go of our attachment to physical things. Detachment holds the wisdom of uncertainty and possibilities. When you embrace uncertainty, you will find security. When you embrace possibilities, you will find freedom. A simple first step toward detachment is letting go of small physical items. Let's get started!

Today, get rid of one thing. It could be a pair of shoes, a knick-knack, or an old souvenir glass. Just pick one thing and give it away, recycle it, throw it away, or put it in the garage for a future "Give-Away Day" (see below for more on this idea). This physical action is a representation of clearing mental space for clear and creative thinking, and when made habit, can transform the way you interact with your physical and emotional environment profoundly. Think about the stuff you have that clutters your living space. Where to begin? Well, you could start a "five year rule" for clothing, for example. That's an easy one: if you haven't worn it for five years, you will definitely not miss it! Perhaps even a two-year rule? One year? Just because you haven't exercised your throwing-away muscles in a while, doesn't mean you can't start somewhere