Dealing with Toxic People

"You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead." -Anais Nin

We meet thousands of people here on this earth. They will enter your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.Some we connect with right away and some we will never bond with. Some are funny and kind and easy to be around and others are mean and nasty and are clearly miserable in life.

But the ones that most negatively impact your life are "toxic people". They come in all different shapes and sizes, come from all different walks of life and you can spot them a mile away. They typically hate their life and worst of all they secretly hate themselves.

They are filled with resentments, anger, fear, heartache, bitterness and it seeps through their pores. It is sad to watch and painful to be around.

Toxic people fling insults at others, make condescending comments and then act like they didn't. I believe most aren't even aware of the way they come across. They seem to be hell bent on making you as miserable as them.

And the worst is if you are married to someone who is toxic. It affects your mental well being because you really can't get away from the darkness that surrounds this person.

Dealing with toxic people is like walking a tight rope. You always have to watch what you say because they get very defensive. They don't think anyone likes them (and you wonder why) and nothing seems to make them happy. They drag you down and it's exhausting trying to make them happy, because the reality is that nothing is going to make an unhappy person happy.

They literally suck the joy out of life and they will suck the joy out of your life if you allow them to.

So how do you deal with someone that is affecting your life in a negative way? What do you do?

First you should be thankful that it isn't you! And, I say that with sincerity because the statement; "There for the grace of God go I" is the truth.

I don't believe people who are negative set out to be that way. I believe that a set of circumstances, combined with a limiting belief system; a so called "perfect storm" came together to create this depression. And then, it permeates all areas of their life.

I don't believe they want to be like this and some aren't aware that they are. But, when you bore the brunt of someone's blind negativism, you have to make some choices. You either have to cut bait or hang in for the long haul.

In this day and time we all have enough stresses in our lives and no one needs additional contention added into the mix, particularly one that can be eliminated. Depending on your situation will obviously determine your choice.

I think it's important for you to voice your concerns about how this person is affecting your life and if it falls on deaf ears, you have your answer.

There are times you may not be in a position to voice your opinion, say,