Decide How To Avoid Disaster

Where do you want to be in a year? In five years? In ten years? Is what you’re doing now the way you’re living, your friends, your habits, your focus Are all of these things moving you in the direction of your goals? How does it look?

Are your habits the kinds of habits that the person you’re going to be in two years would have? Are your friends or associates, or whatever you call the people you hang out with the types of people the you you’re going to be in five years will want to know and be with?

What about the things your mind gets hung up on? Your focus. Do you even know what your focus is?

If you and I were sitting together right now (and pretend we are) What would your answer be if I asked you where you’re going? What are you focused on accomplishing or achieving? You are certainly focused on something. Either consciously or your subconscious has chose something for you. Which is it in your case? Did you choose or has the world chosen for you? Have you taken 10 minutes and made a conscious decision about what the definition of your life is going to be? That’s really all it would take. In reality, even less than that. Think about it. Have you ever been so fed up with something that at one point you just decide—that’s it, no more. I’ve had it! How long did it take you to come to that decision? The real truth is you did it in an instant. It may have taken you years to get to the point where you decided to decide but, the decision itself was made in an instant. A second. You have that same force, power and ability to get yourself moving in the direction of your choosing at any given moment if you would but decide to do so.

Don’t be one who gets ten years further down the road and be left thinking, wondering, wishing you had decided to do something. Do it now. Decide.

A special note to my friends.

I appreciate you all. Thanks for putting up with me. I appreciate each one of you for allowing me to sharpen you, and even more than that I’m thankful for the constant sharpening stones you are to me. You know who you are. You’re the one’s I hear from one way or another each week with your "Clyde, you’re insane" Emails and calls. You’re the one’s who know and understand why I enjoy hearing that statement. Or the far to infrequent "good one" comments. I do what I do for you. I hope it helps. I’m glad it does.

I want you to know that more and more I’m feeling that it’s our time, yours and mine, to do something GREAT. We’ve played around at these lower altitudes and attitudes long enough. It’s time to step out away from the herd. It’s time to fly. This past week I scribbled this note to myself "it’s time you went out and did something GREAT". If you’re in this group, this inner circle, I’m glad you are. I’m going to need to hear from you more than ever in these coming days and weeks as we take on this new and rising wave.

If you’re not in this group what are you waiting for? Join in. Participate. We need you. What you’re holding back could be the one piece of information that we’re all needing. I challenge you to ‘step up and step out’ this week. Wade in. Let me know what’s on your mind. Put it out there. We need your help. I need your help.

It’s time you went out and did something great! It’s time to do that thing you’ve been wanting and getting ready to do. It’s your turn. It’s your time. No more waiting.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


About the Author

Clyde Dennis, a.k.a. "Mr. How-To" has been writing and publishing Articles and Newsletters online since 1999. Clyde's company EASYHow-To Publications provides "How-To" information on How-To do, be or have just about anything one can imagine. For more information visit Email correspondence for Clyde should be sent to: cdennis at