Deja Vu: Been There And Done That!

Deja vu is the sneaky feeling that you have already been there and done that.

You know the feeling. It's like this has taken place already, when you know that it hasn't.

Deja vu is a French term meaning 'already seen."

This overwhelming feeling of familiarity is the view that you have previously seen something before, when you know that it is now occurring for the first time. You seem to be familiar with it and you know that you shouldn't be.

Have you ever gone to a new restaurant or traveled to another country and you get a powerful sensation that you have been there before?

Maybe you are eating dinner with friends and end up in a heated discussion. You seem to have the feeling that you have previously had this conversation with these friends at this very place.

It's a momentary glimpse. It seems like you should know what happens next and yet you don't. You try to ignore it as remembering a daydream or think that you've seen it in a movie. You try to remember if you were in a situation that was very similar. Except that it feels a little bit strange. It occurs because you don't think you should feel familiar and yet you do.

A spontaneous moment of deja vu can be thought of as momentary experience of a past life regression or reincarnation. The unusual feeling that one has been there before can be explained by the simple idea that one HAS in fact, been there before.

It might have been something that just happened a few minutes ago, during your childhood or it may have been many lives before. Since we aren't always entirely paying attention the first time around, we store memory fragments in our mind.

Have you been introduced to someone at a party and a few minutes later you don't know what their name is? The reason is because you weren't fully paying attention.

The same thing happens in our daily life. We aren't fully paying attention and so we forget a lot of the pieces.

We end up carrying around bits and pieces of memories from this life as well as past lives.

The moment of deja vu occurs because there is something familiar about the people, event or surroundings. The memory bubbles up to the surface to be experienced again because it was not fully processed the first time around.

Deja vu is often an insignificant moment in your life. It happens and you move onsoon forgetting about it.

Or it can be a momentary glimpse into a past life. Are you ready to start exploring a little bit deeper?