Desire, Lack & Sensuality in Business/Lifestyle

Have you ever thought about where desire begins? I have,
and the "buck" seems to stop at Divine Mind. What does this
have to do with Business and Lifestyle?

Of particular note in both business & lifestyle desires are the
patterns of "need & lack". We say: "I need that but I lack
this to get it, therefore I know it won't come".

Energy Follows Awareness. What does this mean? It means
that everything is energy. Lack is energy. If we think lack, that
means we are aware of lack, and it then shows up more in our
lives & businesses. It's the way things work whether we
"know" it and apply that knowing, or not.

The Electromagnetic field, that "sweet invisible space in
front of our face", is where the action is for our lives.
It's the home plate of where we send the home runs for our
life. It's our "field of dreams" so to speak.

When we have a "lack" thought, it usually means, we are
focused on what we don't have. We wish we had the thing,
but that's not where our mind is. Our mind is spending its
energy on the playing field of , "I don't have it and it hurts my
heart and mind that I don't have it. I simply do not have it and
it hurts. It's not here, and it hurts".

Therefore, on our "field of dreams" our electromagnetic field,
we begin to draw baseballs of hurt, bruises, pain and broken-
ness on some level. That's how that particular game goes. We
need to begin a new game, this one is rained out and not to be

On to Need. Need has a different flavor than lack. Lack is a
form of desire, and we can create and do create from lack, it's
just slow going and painful. Our option is create from desire
instead of lack.

Need on the other hand is a "I've got to have this thing, I
simply have to have it. I'm going to have this thing. I don't
know how, but I have to have it, I NEED IT !" "Why do I
need it ? It fulfills me on some level. It makes my business run
successfully, and my life feels better. It completes something
for me on some level."

This is like a searching. Ok where is it?

We need it. We need it so much that our antennae is way out
there, "looking" searching. We are projecting "forward" in
our mind and expanding the possibilities all around our playing
field for home runs, first base hits, triples, stealing into home
for the victory.

We need this thing, it's what we think about. We have
emotion around it. In lack we also have emotion, but we
have a broken bat. In need we have the "Louisville slugger",
the fit is perfect, we are ready. "Now where is it? Just give it
to me. Let me swing at it, come on I want this thing, now
bring it to me!"

The question arises, how far to go with ‘need' and at what
point do we "detach" and not really care about the outcome
so that we don't hold tension around it keeping it from
flowing to us?

We build the field with need and desire. Just like we would
build a baseball field in our back yard. We have structured
it, and planted it, and there it is outside our back door. We
go about our lives, the field is still there, it did not disappear.

We have done our energy work through emotion, desire and
need. It is built. Our job is done. It's no longer our job !
We've done our part. Time to let go!

The sensuality part, is just as it is with affection and all levels
of it. Affection, a form of desire, is the enjoyment stage of
something. It's an appreciation of something as we apply
affection. What difference does appreciating something

Appreciation is the most powerful emotion in the Universe.
We can get so involved in the enjoyment stage that we
become "it", and it has no choice, as in the various physical
expressions of sensuality, but to express itself fully. Our
manifestation has to show!

Quite often we "think" we need to constantly "focus" for
something to come to us. However, the Reality is, we only
need to focus, long enough to build the field. Build which
field? The electromagnetic field, the one that carries our desire
on that invisible field. The term that has become cliche' is

Once we build it, "they will come". How do I know?
It's how I run my life and business.

About the Author

Author/©Maverick Momentum Consultant, Susan James,
Writes & Teaches the Application of ©User Friendly Physics
to Human Potential. Dreams Come True To Weight Loss.
Author of 6 books incl: Manifesting 101/102 & Beyond
MM4M: Manifesting Millionaires/17 Seconds to Wt.Loss
Manifesting 101 & Beyond (FREE Newsletter)