Did He Really Behave Himself At This Year's Office Christmas Party

"Did He Really Behave Himself At This Year's
Office Christmas Party? 6 Tips To Spot If Your
Man Is A Saint Or A Sinner"

Author and persuasion coach, Tony Walker has been
striking fear into the hearts of liars and cheats
this Christmas with the release of his "Human Lie
Detector" book entitled, Liar Liar Pants On Fire!

We are said to be lied to, on average, every ten minutes.

For most of us we even lie to our children. How many of us
pretend Santa Claus is real in order to convince our kids
to behave themselves all year?

Sadly, one of the biggest reasons those close to us may
lie is to conceal infidelity. And with the alcohol-fueled,
mistletoe entangled festive season now rampant, there are
many more opportunities for the man in your life to stray
from the path of fidelity than at any other time of year.

Often, the lies that follow one drunken moment of stupidity
can be more damaging to a relationship than the act itself.

Just as damaging though is constantly accusing someone of
something they didn't do.

As well as all the good stuff though, it's well known that
Christmas is also a time that sees more breakups, fights
and arguments than any other.

So, if you don't want to be left wondering this year, here
are 6 quick tips for calming your worries or confirming
your suspicion.

If you suspect you are being lied to then should you
confront the liar immediately? I would generally suggest
not. Often the best approach is to note the fact in your
mind and continue with the conversation, with a view to
extracting more information.

This will tend to confirm or deny your suspicions without
causing an awkward scene if your hunch proves false. Once you
confront someone who has lied to you (or not) the tone of the
conversation can change and gathering additional facts
becomes almost impossible.

A person who is lying to you may do everything possible to
avoid making eye contact. Others may make exaggerated and over
prolonged eye contact in an effort to convince you of
their sincerity.

Hands may go up to the face or throat, especially to the
mouth. But contact with the body is limited to these areas.
The liar may also be unlikely to touch the chest with an open hand
gesture. The liar may also touch the nose or scratch behind the ear.
If he is trying to appear casual and relaxed about his
answer, he may shrug a little as he talks.

The timing may seem off between gestures and words. If the
facial expression comes after the verbal statement ("I am so
angry with you right now"... pause... and then the angry
expression), it provides further evidence of potential deceit.

In some cases a liar's gesture or facial expression won't
always match their words. Examples such as frowning when
saying "I love you" or tightly clenched fists while stating
appreciation or pleasure spring to mind.

Expression will also regularly be limited to the mouth area,
rather than the whole face when the person is feigning
certain emotions - happiness, surprise, awe etc.

The liar may be reluctant to face the accuser and may turn
the head or shift the body away. If a lie has been committed the
accused will probably slouch; he is unlikely to stand tall
with his arms out or outstretched.

There could also be movement away from the accuser,
possibly in the direction of the nearest exit.

Above are just 5 possible giveways, even if someone is
displaying all of them it doesn't necessarily mean they are
lying. So before you think about flying off the handle think
about this... In Liar Liar you'll discover...

- 11 Non-verbal giveaways
- 8 Common tricks used by liars
- 16 General Indications Of Deceit
- An inside look at a liar's head
- 11 Non-confrontational

interrogation techniques
- 4 tactics for gathering evidence

in every day conversations

You can buy it at http://www.BookShaker.com


We've got together with www.BookShaker.com to offer
our readers a special 10% Christmas Discount on
Liar Liar Pants On Fire! Details Below...



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Email us at: xmasliar@leanmarketingpress.com
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Author: Tony Walker
Publisher: Lean Marketing Press
Price: £9.99
Format: eBook (PDF)
URL: liarliar.leanmarketingpress.com

BUY IT AT www.BookShaker.com

About the Author

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