Discovering Your Truth

You've heard it said that we create our own realities. Whatever your inner state-of-mind or emotional condition, you will see it reflected in the situations and people surrounding you. If this is so, then how do you determine what the truth is versus what you have created as your own reality?

The truth is held in the moment, and it is your responsibility to feel the truth within your heart. Whether you call this intuition or instinct, you can master this skill through regular exercises and meditation.

For years I have practiced the methods I will share with you today. As a result, I've been able to live a "true" life. I've enjoyed healthy relationships, made more of what I consider to be the right decisions, and have experienced a profound sense of knowing what is right for me. Today it is my pleasure to show you how to make this happen in your life, too!

~4-week Program to Discover Your Truth~

Practice these exercises daily for one month to gain wisdom, become grounded, and clear your mind. After four weeks, you will notice an increased sense of truth, allowing you to be more profoundly in-tune with your life path.

Your Evening Ritual:

Light a candle.

Sit quietly and comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

Anoint yourself with the following aromatic blend as indicated below.

Say this affirmation aloud: "I am in the present and fully appreciate its truth."

Blend to Experience the Present Truth

Prepare this blend by pouring the essential oils in a 10-oz bottle and then adding organic vegetable oil to fill. Anoint the third eye, sacrum and solar plexus. Pour a few drops into the palm of your hands and inhale deeply:

-9 drops Sandalwood

-5 drops Cypress

-5 drops Pine

-4 drops St-John's Wort

Order what you need to create it yourself at:

In Good Health,
Francoise Rapp

(c) Francoise Rapp, 2002. Internationally renowned aromatherapist and alchemist, Francoise Rapp, shares her expertise in using essential oils to heal and revitalize body and mind at Highlights include aromatherapy classes, pure & organic essential oils, recipes and aromatic treatments for health and wellness, and a free weekly newsletter. Discover the power of aromatherapy today at!

About the Author

Internationally renowned aromatherapist and alchemist Françoise Rapp shares her expertise each week in her free ezine, the Arom'Alchemy Newsletter. To subscribe, visit