Do It Now!

Do It Now!

 by: Dr. Lin Morel

Winners understand that success comes from a series of small steps that keep in mind their ultimate destination. We may have a dream and not the foggiest idea of how or where to begin. Stephen Covey summed it up best when he said, “Begin with the end in mind.” I find that if I map out how I will feel, think and act when I have reached my goal, I then begin to build an internal kinesthetic sense of success. Each small step I make will reveal the next step. A series of steps, each done with excellence and discernment, will lead us to our destination.

In 1979, I wanted to win first place at Y.B Choi’s US Open Karate Championships. I visualized myself winning with ease and fell asleep seeing executing techniques with precision and power. I did it with such conviction that my body began to operate at those levels.

More important, I spent time working out daily, practicing my technique in such a way that I supported my inner image. Many of us pride ourselves on our positive attitude. That’s great. What is more effective, I have found, is positive doing. I get up, put my images to work, and do what needs to be done now. In my case, it was to get to the gym daily and practice with my end in mind. I went on to win first place, and did so for the two years that I competed at that tournament.

I began my business in 1984, not knowing where my clients would come from. I didn’t have any formal sales training, nor did I know how to generate “leads.” What I did do, however, was trust my impulses and intuition. One day, I got an urge to go visit the head of Mullenburg Hospital’s emergency room with a friend. As this physician and I spoke, it became evident that I could assist him. I had a new client at the end of our conversation. He, in turn, introduced me to at least five other individuals who also worked with me to clarify their goals and identify their strengths. As I did what needed to be done, as it appeared in front of me, I found a series of synchronistic events leading me closer to my goal of a positive cash flow.

Life is uncertain. Revolutionary entrepreneurs leap through conventions into the unknown. The future is waiting to be discovered. That discovery reveals itself in each moment. Our challenge is simple: to focus on what needs to be done now and trust our next steps are enough.