Do One Thing Different

I was walking into my office building the other day, when I realized that I always approach the door from the same side, open the same side of the door, with the same hand.

Now you could call it deja vu, but I know that it has happened before, almost everyday. I am walking around in total trance. It is a good thing that I trust my unconscious to keep me out of harm's way. Without it, it could be fatal.

So I wondered, in how many other areas of my life am I just wandering about asleep. Now some times it is useful to have a trusty autopilot, I am sure Gurdjieff would disagree, but it is true. You don't want to think, consciously at least, of how to go from first gear to fifth gear, while remembering to check the blind spot, rearview mirror, and on and on...

It is much easier to just trust your unconscious mind and do it!

But now the other times, when it is not useful, for example in relationships, or being stuck in the process of your own success. How do you get out of that trap, or Kiyosaki's rat race, if you are thinking of work-related issues? You are stuck in a groove, digging yourself deeper, and being miserable in the process.

How about starting in baby steps? Do one thing different! Anything at all for that matter. Anything to break the pattern. For example, as soon as I realized what I was doing, I turned around got back in the car and got out again. I walked around to the other side, opened the opposite side door, with the opposite hand. It woke me up! All the way to the point that I did something different with every client and with every conversation, I had that day. From then on, I try to vary my entry as much as possible. Pretty soon I'll have to be walking in on my hands.

So think about your own life. Where are you stuck? And then find out when you are stuck? I was stuck right before I approached the door. Go back to the point right before you are stuck and do something different. Go some place new all together.

And be creative!

About the Author

As the director of the CORE Changes Institute, Oz Merchant, trains and coaches individuals for personal and professional excellence utilizing cutting-edge transformation technologies such as NLP, Hypnosis, TFT, and EFT to name a few. Get access to the Success Skills E-Letter and remember to get your free copy of his latest e-book "11 Simple Lessons to Manifest Your Destiny," at