Have you ever talked to someone about your favorite

The words just come tumbling out, don’t they?

You know - about how to do a double axel or the secret
of painting the model the EXACT color of the original
or what a beautiful blue the flower is. Your enthusiasm
and love of the subject shows right through and infects
the other person.

You find that you know a lot about the subject because
it’s so interesting to you. I mean, no one can ask you a
question that you don’t know the answer to and you know
all the best techniques to catch all the fish as well as the
winners of all the grand slams for the past 50 years.

When we find a subject interesting, we tend to absorb
information about it like a sponge. We find every aspect
fascinating and love to know every little detail.

Now look at the way you feel when you have all that

You feel confident, able to hold your own, proud,
interested and sure of yourself.

Well, why not try to feel this way about the work you do,
as well? Think of how much better you’d feel if you knew
the answer to almost any question that your workmates
could ask? The boost to your self-confidence would be

When you go into a meeting and you’re well prepared,
you can answer almost any (if not all) the questions put
to you.

It makes you feel good, raises your colleagues opinion
of you, solves problems, allows you to think of different
solutions to old problems and makes you interested in
what you’re doing.

There’s an idea put forward by Brian Tracy and Colin
Rose, in their brilliant course ‘Accelerated Learning’.

They say that if you want to become an expert in, say
for instance Stock Trading, find someone who is already
an expert and find out what they learnt to get them to
where they are today.

If Joe Bloggs, who is currently said to be the best Stock
Trader in the country, read certain books, attended certain
seminars and took certain courses, then do the same. Take
exactly the same steps (add some of your own along the
way) that Joe took to get to where he is.

The more you learn about a subject you’re interested in,
the more confident you become in your own abilities. The
gathering and learning of information will increase your
self-confidence, will get you known as the person with
the answers and somebody who is an expert in that field.

This accumulation of knowledge will then help you get a
promotion faster, ensure a better salary and position within
the company, and make you feel happier with your ability
to do any job required.

And that’s the key. When you are armed with knowledge,
you can handle any situation that you’re presented with.

It is as easy as that. You can be whatever it is you want to
be, if you are willing to learn what others did and to copy
their success.

About the Author

Lisa van den Berg
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