Do You Have A Calling Or Burning Desire

Do You Have A Burning Desire Or Calling?

When you think about work do you think in terms of "burning desire" or

"calling?" What is a burning desire to do this one thing you believe
you were meant to do. What is a calling? Do you feel inside of you that

there is a place that just is telling you that this is the way to

This is your purpose. Then you are blessed for many this never

happens. I think to have a burning desire is to steadfastly move in a

certain direction not knowing many times where you are going to end up

but knowing this is the path you should take. The more other's pooh and

pah your desires the more resolute you become to travel your path.

What a marvelous blessing this is to be called, it does not have to be

to greatness or fame. It may be a really humble job, or to volunteer,

go to the peace corps. But it is the place you know you want to go and

that it is right for you. You hear within you this voice urging you on.

You feel comfortable about following that voice. You know it is right.

I think it possible to have more than one calling in life. Some think
you came into this world with one purpose. My experience has been that

when I was younger having a job that paid the bills was perfectly
alright. As long as I could pay the bills and have some nice things in

life I was modestly happy.

Then came my first calling. I heard that small voice inside of me say

what are you good at. I thought talking to people, listening, accepting

people where they are. So my burning desire became being a counselor.

This took going back to school at a late age in life. It took lots of

starts and stops until I could believe it could happen. However, I

became a counselor and was very happy in this position in life for
twenty or more years. I felt I had found my purpose.
Then I had another calling it was to be a writer and a publisher.

I am in the middle of following that calling now. I am a publisher
and a writer. I write everyday. I publish daily, and I earn my living
this way now. Why do I say I am right in the middle of that calling

because each day the calling becomes more of a burning desire. I have
not come to the end of this journey by any means. As I travel this path

I feel that I am helping others so I find purpose in doing this
calling. But I know there is more. I can bring more of myself to my
writing. I can bring more of myself by improving my ezine. I say to my

Higher Power how can I serve? He replies how can I serve you.

About the Author

About the author: Judi Singleton is the publisher of Jassmine's Journal

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