Does Crying Cleanse the Soul

The Soul is pure and does not require cleansing; it is always in a state of pure love and happiness - without exception.

The mind on the contrary is capable of producing fear, anxiety and sadness; therefore, it expands its story based upon emotional stimulation. These thoughts and emotions can be cleansed in part through crying, as crying brings the person back to surrendering to higher spiritual self. Thus, it cleanses the mind of the story brought on by the emotions, which are actually there to alert you when you are out of harmony with higher self awareness.

Therefore, the answer to the question "Does crying cleanse the Soul," can be very confusing. Let us explore the reasons why:

Scenario 1

Because the Soul is always radiating pure love, peace and harmony it does not (in spiritual reality) become anything other than what it is based upon an experience in life-situation. It stays pure and is always in acceptance of what is. It knows that the experiences of life-situation are form based; therefore, what is created in form will eventually end. As a result, when the end of something that is form based comes, it is viewed as part of the process of form returning from which it came. As a result, if the Spiritual Body is in the forefront of the individuals' alignment with the Four Body System (Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical Bodies). It is expected that everything will pass that is form based and the Spiritual Body will continue on in eternal life. In this scenario sadness is still experienced and tears may come, however, the grieving process is shortened because of acceptance at a higher level of understanding that the eternal life process will continue.

Scenario 2

Conversely, most people live life with the Physical Body in the forefront of the Four Body System (Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Bodies). Therefore, life-situations have a far greater impact on them. They can easily manifest a heavy layer of sadness, which acts as a smoke screen over the pure state of Spiritual Being. The mind minimizes acceptance of what is for a period of time, and then, emotions feed the mind, which ultimately produces a reaction in the Physical Body. In Gods wisdom, crying was created to assist us in cleansing the minds perceptions of whatever is taking place in the life-situation. Therefore, crying is a wonderful way to cleanse the mind of painful emotions brought on by life-situation occurrences, thereby returning the person to acceptance of the life process. In this scenario sadness is extended for a much longer period of time and hence the grieving process continues far longer, as well as, more resultant scenes that are played out by the mind over and over.

Everyone has at some time gone through or will go through an emotionally difficult life-situation, which requires a grieving process to assist them in passing through it. This is especially true when there is a feeling of great loss, as with the death of a loved one or a relationship breakup. At these times, a good cry is one of the best ways to relieve the pain of the loss from the body. It is a totally natural way to cleanse the Mental Body of the sadness that is being experienced. Once the grieving process is complete we feel much better, because we have cleansed the mind with the assistance of crying and have returned to our natural state of happiness. The loss is accepted and the fond memories remain in the mind to continue the connection on a higher spiritual level.

Life is not always an easy journey; it can be an emotional roller coaster of ups and downs brought on by what the mind perceives as unfair situations. When experiencing deep emotional pain it can feel unbearable in that moment. However, each moment of sorrow bring us closer to discovering the essence of who we really are. When we cry we also cleanse the build up of many emotions brought on by fear based thoughts. However, it becomes easier to cope with sadness when we live life with a deep knowing that there is an ultimate higher purpose for everything that happens. The grieving process takes less time for us to return to our higher awareness when living from this level of awareness. Yes, emotional pain is still experienced; however, acceptance of what is comes from a difference reality when living life with spirituality in the forefront of everyday life-situations.

The important point to remember when experiencing a life-situation which does not feel good, is that you are going through it, which ultimately means you will eventually arrive on the other side of the sadness brought on by life-situations. Therefore, when you are feeling unhappy one of the best remedies for returning to your natural state of happiness is to have a good cry