Does Insecurity Halt Your Personal Growth?

Does Insecurity Halt Your Personal Growth?

 by: Brian Maloney

Everyone big or small, old or young would love to feel a sense of security and well being all of the time in such a seemingly short life.

However, through life’s trials of inevitable ups and downs, we sometimes believe that our self worth is supposed to be sub-par, as if the world saw that if we were strong inside, it wouldn’t function properly. Earth’s axis would go into some unhealthy tilt and its rotation would cease.

We wouldn’t be serving ourself or anyone else correctly if this were true, so why are we content to become less than what we can be and settle with our comfortable insecurities that we know so well?

Most people, if you were to strip them of everything they have inside, are merely searching for love and meaning in their lives; but to some, it is a never-ending, self-fulfilling prophecy of dead ends and wrong routes taken.

You are always going to be your worst enemy and suppresser in seeking your personal nirvana!

If you were your biggest fan, you would clone yourself and when you stepped up to bat, there would be 75,000 screaming you’s cheering for your success. Insecure people take the pleasure in feeding a massive dose of negativity inwards and therefore would love to stay as a boo bird hoping for your own failure.

After all, isn’t that what society would love to have happen to you? Stay down with the masses and wallow in the mire with them, because misery loves company.

You were probably taught by society or learned this yourself, but certainly, you were not born with this affliction.

Have you ever heard that it’s all in your head? Ninety nine percent of your success whether professionally, personally, or athletically comes from inside you and your physical attributes are merely that, tangible aspects of you and thats all.

If you were given ninety health filled days to live, how would you live them? Would you throw everything at the wall, put the petal to the metal, dive the deepest blue sea, scale the highest peak?

Although, you could live truthfully, confident, secure in yourself, and show all the beautiful colors that you came into this world with, those colors that have been skewed and faded for such a long time.

This mindset of not taking today or tomorrow for granted and knowing that the end could happen at anytime; and therefore living this gift of life as honest, not only to yourself, but others, is extremely powerful.

The truth will set you free!

Insecurity cages you in a personal prison when you could be sailing behind warm winds towards a brighter and more gratifying future. It rents space in your mind and asks you to pay its bills. It impedes your personal progression and tells you that you can’t, when you can.

Regretfully, this is an internal force, not something external that you can run far away from and never see again.

Looking back, do you see your past and at some points feeling so insecure in some situations that the required task couldn’t be completed because you felt inept?

Were you so insecure within that you had to feel secure by controlling others? If you were secure, you would know that your security is about letting go and having faith in your abilities no matter what situation your in.

Being secure is not “I’m better than you and I’m going to constantly show you;" to the contrary, it is an inner confidence that needn’t be exuded, but known within, regardless of a checkered or questionable past.

Remember, you are not on earth a very long time in the whole scheme of things, so wouldn’t it be better to get best you can out of yourself instead of locking everything up in an internal safe of insecurities?