Don't Dream It, DO IT!

A music "dream" isn't something that just happens one day. You don't
sign-on-the-line and gain a freedom from responsibility. Music is not a
one-round game, but a continuing, daily thread. It is the way your real
world works in conjunction with your music world. (They should overlap, or
at least impact/reflect each other DAILY.) Don't DREAM it, DO it.

What is it you are actually trying to do? Be the world's best writer? Become
a megastar performer? Lead the church choir? Own a record label that records
other acts?

You would not believe how many writer/artists come to me, saying they just
want to do "something" in the Music Industry. Sorry, you have to specialize a
bit more than that!

Sit down with paper and pen. Define EXACTLY what it is in your heart that you
dream of. (Hint, the bigger the dream, the harder to achieve...but as long
as you are prepared to give what it takes, you'll find a place in the scheme
of things.)

By the way, I have to do this, because I get sidetracked by wanting to do too
many things. I constantly have to reassess projects and schedules...just
part of business in a busy, busy world.

Let's say you decided that you want to be a great writer, who is successfully
cut on the charts, and makes a lot of money. Do you know what the real charts
are? Who's on them currently? What labels are consistently charted? The
styles of the top ten successes in the last two years?

Do you know what the actual elements of a great standard song are? Can you
name the top sellers of all time in your genre? The top sellers of the
current year? And do you know why they attained success? Do you hone your
skills and knowledge whenever you have a chance?

Can you make the presentation of your art a commercial reality? Not just WILL
you, CAN you?

Go do 150 sit ups without practice. Go write a great song without practice.
You have to practice (i.e., actually write) everyday, just like you would
with any improvement program. If the newest song you are showing is old, you
are not competing as a writer.

If something doesn't go the exact direction you thought it should have,
rewrite the situation. If it's the song that has flaws, rewrite it until
they are gone. If it's the voice, get some training.

If it's the gig, create one that works for you. When I was playing gigs in
KCMO, I went to the Plaza, to nice places that DIDN'T have entertainment. I'd
offer the owner a free evening of music, if he liked it, I'd work X amount of
weekends for X amount per night. I almost always got the gig, partly because
I was prepared, partly because few can resist something for nothing and not
sense some obligatory return. (Most wanted entertainment, but had no idea
they could afford it.) For me, it was a way to go.

If you find that you thought you wanted the big dream, but then you realize
that your dream didn't include all the nonsense that goes along with one of
those in exchange for your "other dream(s)," (perhaps your family or job?),
it is TOTALLY alright to adapt your dreams to accommodate each other.
Unfortunately, some dreams require 24 hour dedication to maintain. (Ask any
professional who is a megastar in their field.)

Don't give up. That's the first thing ANYONE successful who is giving advice
says, so it MUST be true. (Ok, it's pretty logical that if you DO give up,
your odds will go way down...) What I'm really saying is leave no stone
unturned. Take advantage of all opportunities, work, work, work at it.

Remember that each time you sing, play, write, perform, discuss, pitch, etc.,
you are creating a reality that supports your dream. Don't forget to applaud
the little steps, as well as the big. You write a birthday song for your
sister-in-law, and it
makes her cry with your kindness. Your song is used in a campaign for
adoption, and though it didn't earn a dime, it was perfect, and said so much
to so many. A peer complimented your writing at a recent song pitch. You
were the hit of
the community musical. GOOD FOR YOU! It all matters.

All these things make us more professional, and give us the reasons for doing
the work. They are as important as the royalties, and enrich our life of
music. Don't overlook them.

Did you know that most of your little steps are someone else's big dream?
Some people would give a great deal to have the opportunity to perform ONE
karaoke song in front of an audience...or have anyone use a song for any
reason....or play a great guitar lick...or own a computer...or you name it.
Appreciate the skills and opportunities God has blessed you with that you
might even have a dream.

About the Author

Janet Fisher, Goodnight Kiss Music all rights reserved worldwide.
Janet Fisher is a longtime music professional, songwriter, publisher and