Dreams and Desires, Wants and Wishes Journals

Dreams and Desires, Wants and Wishes Journals

 by: Doreene Clement

Have you ever dreamed of a new house? Have you ever wished for the perfect mate? What about wanting that job that you've always dreamed of? Have you wished for a perfect day?

We all have dreams and desires, our own personal wishes and wants. What if…what if you could just have what you wanted and wished for? What would that house look like, feel like? How would you decorate it? Is it a condo, or on acres of land? Are there animals? Who are your neighbors? Do you have parties? What color is your house painted? How is it furnished? Who lives there with you?

Your perfect mate, is how tall, what color hair, what religion?

How did you meet? Are you married? Do you have children?

What is your dream job? What state are you living in? What are your hours?

What do you do? Whom do you work with?

What does your perfect day look like? What do you do, where do you go?

Whom are you with?

Think about what your wishes and dreams are. Think about what your wants and desires are. Then, write them down. Let yourself go. There are no limits, anything is possible. Enjoy. Everything and everyone you have ever wanted is yours. Then write as many questions as you can think of, about your dreams, your desires, wants and wishes. Make as many statements as you can think about. Live without any limits about what you want. Blue Sky.

Reread what you described. Then ask yourself why each listed item is important to you. Think about what you wanted and listed, and then think about why you wrote it down, then write that down. Remember that there is no right or wrong way of doing this journal exercise. Whatever is important to you is correct. Whatever you journaled is exactly the right answer.

You can use a blank book, a notebook, or a computer for this journal.

What can happen is that you can focus and clarify what is important to you and why. You may want to journal about the same topics from time to time, say every few years, using the same blank book. As time passes you can reread what was important and what is important.
