Easily Boost Self Confidence With Subconscious Mind Power

Have you ever gone to a party by yourself? Or maybe found yourself at a social gathering and were momentarily separated from your friends? How did it feel? OK? Nerve wracking? Were you able to walk up to any group and start a conversation? Most people have a lot of trouble doing that.

There's a lot that goes on in your mind when you consider doing something like that, most of which goes on well below conscious awareness. Your brain is a fantastic, smart organ that is incredibly fast when it comes to sniffing out danger. One thing that has kept humans surviving on this planet is that our brains often over estimate the danger we may encounter when we think about doing something new.

This is about what happens in your brain when you consider walking over and introducing yourself to a group of interesting people. First your brain checks all your memories of every time you've been in a similar situation. Then it calculates the risk involved, and then it calculates the potential benefit. Then it comes back with a "feeling" that lets you know whether or not it's safe.

If you saw a hundred dollar bill lying on the sidewalk, it would be an easy decision. If you saw a hundred dollar bill lying next to a tiger, it would be completely different. In the first situation, you'd be thrilled. In the second situation, you'd be scared.

The problem with human interaction is that often times what we think happened isn't what really happened. We often misinterpret events. We really have no idea what people mean when they say and do things, so we assign meaning to them. So when our brains go and access our memories to assess a situation, the memories that it comes back with are not real. They were just memories that we made up on the fly because we thought we knew what was going on.

The good news is, there's a trick around this. Using some simple self hypnosis and some well crafted statements, you can easily train your brain to feel absolutely confident in any social situation. Here's how.

First, come up with your statement, or affirmation. State it positively, and in the present tense, or in the now. Also make sure it is filled with appreciation and emotions. That is key. Without positive emotions, your statements or affirmations will fall flat, and won't do much. Something like this is fine:

I enjoy speaking with people, and I appreciate my ability to walk up and comfortably and confidently start a conversation with anybody. I am a confident, outgoing person, and I really enjoy talking with new people. I have always been confident and outgoing. I enjoy all my experiences with talking to new people.

Write it so it makes sense to you, and describes how you'd really like to be.

When you make this statement, be sure to be in a relaxed, sleepy state of mind. This is the best time to retrain your subconscious. Sit back in a comfortable chair, and count down from ten to one. Breath deeply for each breath, and say, "I am..." on the inhale, and "relaxed," on the exhale. You'll find that every time you do this it gets easier and easier.

Another great time to do this is just as you are falling asleep, and just as you wake up. It can help to keep a small card next to your bed so to remind you to think of it first thing in the morning. Saying it both before sleep and upon awakening has a powerful transformative effect.

Once you are in that relaxed, sleepy state, begin your statement. Say it quietly, and with as much emotion as you can generate. Feelings of gratitude will help this happen much quicker.

If you keep this up on a daily basis, you'll be the life of the party in no time.