Embracing Change

I love Jesse Duplantis! He is on TBN every Monday night and if I don’t get a chance to tune in I’ll tape his show and watch him later.

If you got a chance to see him the other night, you will recall he was talking about embracing change.

Most people that I know hate change. They despise it with a passion. Jesse says people hate change because they are insecure and they are afraid of themselves.

Change is the only thing that is constant. It’s gonna happen! The question is not even when? Things are always changing. Jesse says to embrace it. But not only that, but prepare for it. This way, you will be ahead of the curve instead of behind it.

Do you realize that if there is something in life that is stagnant, it’s in the process of dying?

Question: What is the next step after ripe? Answer: Rotten. We are either moving forward in life or we are in the process of decay. Did you know the only difference between a rut and a grave is the dirt in your face?

If you truly want to enjoy the abundant and prosperous Christian life you must embrace change. Life is all about change and there is no escaping it.

Who wants to experience a life without a challenge anyway? Be honest. How bored would you be with nothing to strive toward? For me personally, I love change. I get bored easily with the same ole, same ole. Lord, give me something new!

I believe people are the most happy when they are working toward a goal. That’s why it is said that success is not a destination to be reached. Success is the journey! And along the journey there will be change.

God wants you to prosper! But you will not prosper sitting around fearing the inevitable, which is “change.” It’s coming. Don’t wait for it! Go after it before it comes after you! Be ahead of the curve instead of behind it. Seek change, expect it, prepare for it and prosper.

About the Author

Daniel N. Brown is the publisher of the "Living the Abundant and Prosperous Christian Life" Newsletter. A free weekly publication that teaches how to live the abundant and prosperous Christian life. Receieve a free copy of Dan's 14 page report entitled, "5 Biblical Keys to Outrageous Prosperity," when you sign up.