Enduring Edges of Eternity

When we tiny organic beings awaken our baleful bones from the misty clouds of dandified and dazzling dreams, we usually wander into the restroom and gaze hopefully into the mirror, hoping that our mental, physical, and emotional facilities are all in good working order.

We attempt to modify what we peer at with all sorts of chemical products in order to alter and adapt what we were born with into a dashing and handsome dude, or a beautiful and alluring dudette, so the rest of the world will believe that what they perceive is worth communicating with.

Then we cloth ourselves with apparel, step outside our abode, and present our smiling faces to the world. Some of us plan to get an edge up on a promotion, some of us plan to get an edge up on rush hour traffic, and some of us just try to get an edge up on anything, any where, at any time