Energize Your Life

Did you know that it takes energy to NOT do something or to
NOT deal with a situation? Every time we put off some task
or chore, we start using energy to remember to do it. We
also use energy to avoid doing it. Once you start thinking
about how many things you are putting up with, it's easy to
realize that there is an incredible amount of energy that
could be available to you just by addressing these
time-drainers. These items are often referred to as
tolerations. Here is a simple strategy for zapping your
tolerations and freeing up all that energy.

1. On a clean piece of paper, make a list of all things you
are tolerating or 'putting up with'.

These can (and should) be from all areas of your life. They
can be big or small. But all of them are probably things
that keep running around in your head as 'I really need to
…, I can't stand xxx anymore, etc.' Some examples: I
really need to: call the electrician, fix the broken light
switch, clean off my desk, take the car for a tune-up,
finish a report or project, organize my office, unpack, buy
shampoo, talk to my boss, I can't stand my son's messy
bedroom, the way my neighbor lets stuff pile up in his front
yard. You get the idea. Keep writing until you run out of
things to write.

2. For each item, decide the following and take the
appropriate action.

(a) It's totally in my control. Take Nike's advice: Just
do it.

(b) I have influence over this situation. Use your influence
to change it.

(c) I have neither control nor influence. Take yourself out
of the situation or accept it. Accepting it means there is
no longer an emotional involvement. You truly accept it.

3. Keep plugging at your list until it's gone. Add items as
they come to mind or situations arise. Pay attention to
those items that are related. Would doing one big thing take
care of them all? And it may be helpful to think about what
the payoff is for you in not taking care of these items.

4. Start using this new-found energy to work on your goals
and dreams, the things you really feel good about, and that
will make you feel good about yourself.

About the Author

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach
who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their
best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to
accept total support). Find many free resources to assist
you in living the life of your dreams at
http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter
of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best
life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com