Every calling is great when greatly pursued

Every calling is great when greatly pursued. This quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. is a statement that highlights the importance of pursuing one’s passion wholeheartedly, no matter what the calling may be. Pursuing a calling with dedication, passion, and a sense of purpose is what sets apart great human beings from the rest.

A calling is different from a profession. A profession is a job or trade that someone engages in for financial gain, whereas a calling is a deep-seated passion or desire that motivates someone to pursue a specific path in life. A calling can be any kind of pursuit, from music to art, writing to teaching, or medicine to engineering. What sets a calling apart is that it is not something that can be easily taught or learned, but is a natural talent or passion that one possesses.

For anyone to pursue their calling with great conviction, they need to understand its importance in their lives. One must have a clear sense of purpose, a reason for doing what they do. They must understand that their calling is not just a hobby or an interest; it is a part of who they are. A calling defines their identity, and when they pursue it passionately, they are most themselves.

However, pursuing a calling requires a lot of hard work, determination, and patience. It does not always come easily, and there are many challenges along the way. One needs to have a strong sense of resilience and the ability to learn from mistakes and setbacks. They need to stay committed to the pursuit of their calling even in the face of obstacles and adversity.

One essential ingredient that keeps the fire burning bright in pursuit of a calling is love. Love for the calling itself, for the craft, the art, the science, the work. To be able to love what one does is a gift that one should cherish and nourish. Love for the calling allows one to be creative and innovative, to bring their unique perspective to the world. It makes the pursuit of a calling not just meaningful but also joyful, and it shows in the quality of the work one produces.

Sometimes, in the pursuit of our calling, we may feel like we are alone, that we are not making progress, or that we are not recognized for our hard work. It is easy to feel disillusioned or discouraged in the face of such feelings. But the truth is, everyone who has ever pursued a calling has felt this way at some point. It is part of the journey. The key is to keep going. To have faith that the right people will notice your work, that the universe will conspire to help you achieve your goals, that no effort is ever wasted when it is given towards something meaningful.

The journey of pursuing a calling is a quest for one’s own truth. By consistently showing up and doing the work, we unfold new depths of our own being, we learn more about who we are and we evolve as individuals. In this process, we embrace our own potential, the infinite possibilities that reside within us. It is a transformative experience that shapes us in ways that we never could have imagined.

When one pursues their calling with dedication and love, they, in turn, inspire others to do the same. Their work becomes an expression of their desire to contribute to the world, to make it a better place. Their pursuit of a calling creates a ripple effect that can impact the lives of countless people around them.

Finally, it is important to remember that a calling does not always have to be a grand or world-changing pursuit. A calling can be something as simple as helping people in your community, sharing your creative work online, or living a life that is guided by your deepest values. It is not the scale of the calling that matters but the sincerity and passion with which it is pursued.

In conclusion, every calling is great when greatly pursued. It is not just about finding your passion but about committing to it with love and dedication, about giving it your all. The pursuit of a calling is a transformative journey that can help us become the best version of ourselves. It is a journey that is not always easy, but it is always worth it. Pursue your calling, embrace your own potential and make your contribution to the world.