Every Day's A Party

If you have access to the Food TV Channel, then you are
familiar with Emeril Lagasse. His winsome smile, culinary
expertise and passion for cooking have skyrocketed him to
the top echelon of TV cooks. And not just on TV. Our visit
to his 'Delmonico's Steakhouse' remains the highlight of our Las Vegas honeymoon.

Recently, a friend of mine noticed that several recipes from
an Emeril Live! Show were from his 'Every Day's A Party!'
cookbook. She further concluded that the title appears to
be his secret recipe for success: Live every day like it's
a party! Live life to the fullest. Enjoy every experience
to the max. Find the joy in every single thing.

What a way to go through life! And it's infectious. It's
hard to watch him and not get caught up in feeling good.
This is particularly true on the shows when he has a live
audience, but happens when it's a closed set as well.

What would happen to our lives if we approached everything
with the same 'joie de vivre'? How would life be different
if you treated everything - work, play, home, people
(family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, people you
pass on the street), EVERYthing - like the most marvelous
gift you ever received?

What doors would open up? What sadness or illness would
disappear? What people would be drawn to you? What would
sleep after a day, week, month of that be like? What would
it be like if everything that happened to you was an
opportunity? No wonder phrases like 'bam!' and 'let's kick
it up a notch' have entered into the vernacular.

I am thinking this might be a great way to look at life and
may well become my theme for 2002. If you've read my
newsletter for a while, you know about themes. For the rest
of you, I've included a previous article on using themes
since this is the perfect time to start planning for next

If you decide to try it out, please share your experience so
I can pass it on to the 3 Minute Coach community.

Til next time, have a 'party' day!

About the Author

(c) Louise Morganti Kaelin. Louise is a Life Success Coach
who partners with individuals who are READY (to live their
best life), WILLING (to explore all options) and ABLE (to
accept total support). Find many free resources to assist
you in living the life of your dreams at
http://www.touchpointcoaching.com For her free newsletter
of insightful, practical suggestions for creating your best
life, email mailto:on-536@ezezine.com