Face your fears!

Most people are afraid to change. They're afraid to face the uncertainty which we all feel when we leave our 'comfort zones.' Some afraid of failing, and others, believe it or not, are afraid of succeeding. What is sad is most people do not realize they have become paralyzed by their fears. Millions of people with great potential have been ruined and their entire lives wasted because they do not face their fears head on. You may recognize people who are afraid and hiding out in their comfort zones by their constant complaining about people who are moving forward. "See that guy over there? I'd have a great physique too if I worked out," (Well then, why don't you do it instead of just talking about it?) Rationalization and excuses have become the only form of "exercise" many people get. Remember this: if you move away from your fears, they will eventually dominate your life. But if you move toward your fears and face them head on, they get smaller and smaller.

About the Author

James Winston-Motivational Counselor