Falun Dafa; more than healing and fitness

In 1992,Falun Gong also known as Falun Dafa, an ancient holistic practice was introduced to the public of China. The teacher, Mr. Li Hongzhi,was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times,as well as numberous honours. Falun Gong spread rapidly to more than one hundred million people. Falun Gong teaches one to be more truthful with our thoughts and feelings, to be more kind and compassionate to others, and more tolerant and rational in daily life which helps one to endure the hardships of life. The practice also consists of five gentle yet very powerful exercises that help one to improve health. Holistically, Falun Gong improves mind, body and spirit. Falun Gong activities are always free. The books and exercise video can be downloaded free from the internet or ordered through major book stores. Falun Gong is practiced in sixty countries around the world, but has been persecuted in China since 1999. For more information www.falundafa.org

About the Author

As a Falun Dafa Practitioner I have improved in my relationships and became more healthy. Falun Dafa is the most profound and straight foreward teaching that I have come across. It answered all of my questions about my purpose in life and how we are connected to the universe. Falun Dafa is good.