Finding Success in Failure

Finding Success in Failure

This title sounds contradictory and phony.
It is a contrarian kind of word, but it is not

No matter how hard we try in work or in
business to keep from making mistakes or
failing at something, we will have failures.

Isn't it better to look at a business/work
failure in the terms of moving towards
eventual success, rather than flail around
with oneself because success is not instan-

How we look at failure is puzzling. We know
that a failure is an event that will not last for-
ever, but somehow we have a perfectionistic
attitude that it is permanent. How to get
around this "I won't fail attitude"?

I think that one of the best ways is to under-
stand the impermanence of anything and
dare to risk without looking for perfection,
the first time out! Maybe there will be a
failure today and a success tomorrow. It
will eventually even itself out if we risk and
trust in the outcome.

About the Author

c, 2004
Permission is granted to reprint, not
for commercial use
Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach