by: David Wood
The mistake is to go looking, before cleaning up your own "back yard". The mistake is to seek someone because you're so desperately lonely, and don't feel happy with your own company. You may find a partner using this approach, but it often won't last, and will rarely lead to fulfillment.
There's nothing wrong with this approach, and this newsletter won't stop anyone doing it. BUT - here's the key to entering a great relationship: You want to be having such a great time that the perfect partner notices you and says "Hey - can I play too?".
If you are already happy with your own company, and loving your life, then skip straight to PART II - the action section. If there are some things you're ready to handle in your own life - to prepare a more attractive space for a partner to come into and play - then read on.
Try the following check list (add up your score - 1 for each "true"):
You don't need to score 11 to have a great relationship. But if your score is not as high as you would like, why not choose today to turn ONE thing on the above list into "True"? Work on your own, with a friend, or with a coach.
Top Ten Practical Actions to Finding a Partner
The following is a brief extract from the full "Finding Mr. Right" program (available at my web site). Make a couple of these true today, then take your time with the rest...
David Wood
David Wood is a Professional Life Coach, and author of the powerful Free Download: '50 Life Coaching Questions to Take Control of Your Life and Help Your Clients'. He helps coaches, consultants, speakers and trainers to build their businesses via his popular ebook: "10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets" and his audio ebook: "Getting Your First 50 Clients".
"David Wood is a personal and business coach, and an original founder of the International Coach Academy - a global coach training school"
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