Five Benefits of Daily Decluttering

Five Benefits of Daily Decluttering

 by: Donna Doyon

"You will achieve grand dreams, a day at a time, so set goals for each day—not long and difficult projects, but chores that will take you, step by step, toward your rainbow. Write them down, if you must, but limit your list so that you won't have to drag today's undone matters into tomorrow. Remember that you cannot build your pyramid in twenty-four hours. Be patient. Never allow your day to become so cluttered that you neglect your most important goal—to do the best you can, enjoy this day, and rest satisfied with what you have accomplished." ~Og Mandino

Five Benefits of Daily De-Cluttering

  1. You can reconnect with people, activities, and important information that you may have been neglecting.

  2. You get to spend a few minutes each day evaluating what you have in your life and whether you want to keep it in your life.

  3. You will feel less stressed and spend less time if you de-clutter on a daily basis than if you wait for the piles (and relationship issues) to build up.

  4. You will have more room in your life for new opportunities and possessions if you keep your life and environment clutter free.

  5. You will experience the joy of knowing you have your life under control.

Where to Start:

  • De-clutter your relationships. Call someone you've been meaning to call. Send a note card or holiday greeting with a invitation to get together after the holidays.

  • De-clutter your personal environment. Clear out your closet, desk at work, kitchen, holiday decorations. Take a look around and see what stuff is getting in your waythen doing something about it!

  • De-clutter your relationship with God. Talk to Him, spend time with Him, dust off your Bible and Bible study books. Move them to a convenient location so you can spend a few minutes here or there with Him.

  • De-clutter your financial situation. Balance your check book, create a budget, choose and start working a plan to become debt free or increase your savings and investment plan.

  • De-clutter your health. Clean the junk food out your cabinets and refrigerator, locate your walking shoes, and call your doctor to schedule your next physical.

Tips for Success:

  • Start small. Don't let your feelings of overwhelm get you down. Pick a small corner of your desk, one shelf in a closet, or one person to contact.

  • Put on music or listen to an audio book while you work.

  • Set a timer and stop when the bell sounds.

  • Use 5 or 10 minute blocks of time while waiting for the coffee to brew, the laundry to finish, or the bathroom to be vacated.

  • Share your success with a friend (me!).

  • Take before and after pictures.

  • Experience the pleasure of small bursts of clutter-free living. Build on the momentum.

  • Reward yourself when a major task is completed.