Focus Brings Prosperity

Focus Brings Prosperity

 by: V. Ninet'te Wheatley

" you sow, so shall you reap." What does that statement have to do with Prosperity? Well, just think for a moment and ask yourself, which farmer produces the most abundant crop: Is it the farmer who puts his attention, daily, faithfully on his crop? Or, is it the farmer who tends to his crop whenever he thinks about it or has a spare moment or two?

I think we can agree that the farmer who tends to his crop, faithfully, produces the most abundance.

What does this story about farmers, crops and abundance have to do with focus bringing you prosperity?

It has a lot to do with it, if you consider that whatever you focus on, whether it's your farm, more business, cars, better health and the list goes on...brings more of those things into your reality.

I can speak from personal experience and my own endeavor in producing more financial wealth into my life. I discovered that the more I put my attention on prosperity, the more prosperity appeared in all areas of my life. The more I make money my friend...the more money appears in my life joyfully, freely, like a good friend. Now, I give my attention to money daily.

It isn't about obsessing over money. It is more about tending to my abundance by acknowledging that money is a valuable part of life.

I make it more and more, a daily focus to consciously put my attention on my desire statements or affirmations, as many like to term them. I discovered from my personal attention to my affirmations that they become a part of my daily thoughts.

I desired the same outcome with having money and the vision of money flowing through my thoughts, daily. I discovered that by seeing on my computer screen throughout the day, symbols of money and prosperity, that when I am out and about my thoughts stream visions of money along with thoughts of positive affirmations. This is all taking place without my having to consciously remember my affirmations or prosperity images. The images and messages are embedded into my subconscious, just by my exposing myself to them daily.

I have enjoyed blending effective prosperity affirmations and images of prosperity, i.e. money images into a beautiful prosperity screensaver that can help anyone focus to bring more prosperity into their life.

It isn't time consuming as you just run the Prosperity Screensaver on your computer whenever you're not working at your computer. Or whenever you want to expose your mind to the affirming desire statements and money images to embed them into your subconscious. The screensaver is great because it is personalized to feature your images and affirmations.

The more focus you give to money, the more money flows into your life. I have made this a daily part of my life. I am certain there are others who would benefit from the screensaver. If you think that you would enjoy having your focus on a daily basis on your positive affirmations and images to increase your prosperity, then you can find out more about the prosperity screensaver, online at: