GETTING OFF THE TREADMILL. Four Easy Ways To Create Simplicity In Your Life

4 Easy Ways To Create Simplicity In Your Life

You were born a simple being. As you grew, you attracted more and more "stuff" and chaos into your life, didn?t you. How did that happen without you noticing? In order to get back
to simplicity as an adult, you must actively make choices to achieve it. Here are four ways to create simplicity in your life.

1. Turn off the television.
The average American watches in excess of 20 hours of television per week. With this in mind, turn off the T.V. one night a week to have quiet time to yourself or with your family and plan your life's activities. Don't worry...the news will continue to happen even
if you're not watching it.

2. Stop spending time with toxic people.
Just say NO. This is a tough one, but well worth it. Refuse to spend your
precious time and energy on those constantly negative people in
your life. Life is short. Spend it with those who love, support, encourage and inspire you!

3. Scale down your possessions.
Every single thing you own, from your three toothbrushes to the four winter coats to the shoeboxes you're saving "just in case" takes something from you. It costs you time and energy because
it all has to be maintained, stored, cleaned, moved or sorted through
at some point. Plus, it all takes up physical and mental space.

Everything you own owns a piece of you, so now is the time to start parting with all those things that don't bring you joy or value. You will be giving yourself the gift of more energy and space.

4. Evaluate your time commitments.
Look at how much time and energy you're spending on activities, organizations, clubs, social groups, and other extra-curricular activities.

Evaluate honestly how much value or joy they give you in relation to
what you invest in them. If you find that some have outlived their
benefit or aren't making you happy anymore, just stop spending
your time there. You'll free up time for the things you do enjoy.

Simplicity is a worthwhile goal. It's a process, which occurs over time
and as you make different life choices you?ll discover that you're making
room in your life for the people and things you love.

About the Author

Monica Ricci has been an organizing specialist since 1999, and her motivational presentations teach effective organizing and simplifying techniques for home and work. She also offers free email tips and ideas on how to make life simpler and more organized. Her topics include clutter control, paper management, time management, organizing space and procrastination.Contact Monica at 770-569-2642 or