Getting Started Again

Dear Jen,
I am a 31 year old woman and haven’t dated in 3 years. I went through a bad break-up and haven’t been the same since. How would you suggest I get started?

Broken but Mending

Dear Broken and Mending,

Let me start by saying I am sorry to hear about the pain you have had. As they say, "time heals all wounds". I would normally advise anyone to take their time to work on themselves first. Before you dive into the dating pool again, you need to be certain that you are feeling good about yourself and are really ready to share yourself with another person. If you feel you are ready now, then an online dating service is a great way to start. An online dating service will give you a chance to set your own pace. Start by looking over some of the personals already posted. This will give you a good idea on how to write your own. Remember, confidence without arrogance is one of the most attractive traits a person can have. Humor keeps them coming. Combine the two and you will have a winning personals ad of your own. Be sure that you stay honest with yourself and your prospective match. Honesty leads to a better relationship and fewer heartbreaks. After all, when you are dating, the real you comes out sooner or later, why not allow someone to fall in love the real you first instead of a persona you have created. Don't forget to check out my "6 Simple Rules of Internet Dating". Never let fear of another heartbreak guide you in your quest. As I have always said: "A risk not taken is a joy not found!"

About the Author

Jennifer Lester is an online dating expert who offers her advice and guidance through the world of online dating at her website: – The tour guide to your online dating experience.