Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude

Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude

 by: Michael Dixon

Need a way to make your life a better place to live?

Life is our perception of what it is, not necessarily the reality of what it is.

Let's see if I can explain that. Life can sometimes be great, and at other times, not so great. It all depends on how we are feeling at the time. If we feel good, life is good. If we feel bad, life is a bummer.

The reality is life hasn't changed at all, only our attitude. If we want to improve life we must first improve our attitude about life.

Put a smile on your face and keep it there. It is impossible to feel bad when you are smiling.

  • Smile every time you look in a mirror.

  • Smile at people when they enter your office, home, or wherever. Smile at those you meet on the street.

  • Smile when you answer the phone and throughout the conversation.

  • Smile NOW!

Feel your attitude gaining altitude?

When someone ask "How are you?", smile and say "I feel great, and you?" This is very important, especially when you are feeling bad. The more often you say it, the easier it is for you to believe it yourself.

Think about the things that make you feel good and make a list. Now, try to do as many of the things on the list as possible every single day. You won't have time for the things that make you feel bad.

Take time to help someone out. Kindness is its own reward. When you are kind to others, they are kind to you. Smile and they will smile. Spread the smile virus.

Remove "No" from your vocabulary, right along with "can't, won't, shouldn't, wouldn't, etc. Get the picture? Now you have to say yes.

Still feel bad?

Go for a long walk, smiling and greeting everyone you meet. I guarantee you that by the time you return, you won't feel bad any longer.

I'm smiling as I say, "Have a great day!" :-)