Giving Thanks... a Universal Gift

Giving Thanks... a Universal Gift

 by: Laurie Kristensen

As you probably know, in the USA we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November every year. As I write this, that day is coming up tomorrow!

You might enjoy a webpage that I found which gives an easy-to-read, brief history lesson about how it began:

No matter where in the world you call home, and whether you traditionally take a day to celebrate the idea of giving thanks, or not may this holiday be a reminder to stop and really take the time to count your blessings.

Counting your blessings and taking time to appreciate the special people in your life can be done any time, anywhere for free and is truly a gift to yourself, too...

That’s because simply what you focus on grows, and you begin to experience even more to be grateful for in your life!

Also, expressing your gratitude to the special people in your life is a gift that can be given freely...

...and it’s often more precious to the receiver than even the most expensive gift could ever be!

My wish for you is great health, prosperity, and joy many blessings to give thanks for every day, in every way!