Goal Setting - Get Exactly What You Want!

Goal Setting - Get Exactly What You Want!

 by: Josh Brown

I am writing you from the quaint sea town of New Bern, NC where my wife and I are catching some much needed R&R.

Lately many of our students have been telling us that their biggest goal is to leave their current 9 to 5 J-O-B and start investing in real estate full time. They no longer want to be tied down by corporate rules and structure.

While I was on this trip I realized that if my wife had not left her job last week, we could not be here right now. She simply would not have been able to take time off. So, how was she able to retire at 24? The answer is quite simple…

She took a few of the success principles Lou and I preach to our students daily and took action on them!

My wife was able to leave her job because she took decisive action!

When she realized she wanted to leave her current job, she sat down and analyzed the situation; made realistic goals for herself; and started taking action on those goals!

In other words, she developed a smart plan for success then took action each day to ensure success.

You must constantly move yourself forward even if it is only a small step each day!

Tiger Woods does it!

Donald Trump does it!

Developing a plan so you can clearly see your objectives and taking action daily towards those objectives is the key to any successful endeavor.

Very few people are successful by accident.

1. You must have a strategy for success!

2. You absolutely MUST take decisive action on a daily basis!

3. You must surround yourself by people who will support you

and/or help you on your road to success!

Using these 3 simple steps you can create huge progress toward your business and life goals!

My wife was able to retire from her job at 24 by applying these 3 simple yet powerful steps to her life!

Give them a try you won’t believe the results!

I hope this quick note will inspire you to make the necessary changes to create huge results!

Have a great weekend!

Josh Brown

President, Investor Wealth Academy, Inc.