Goals . . . or Dreams

Goals... or Dreams?

Copyright © Darlene Styers 2003

As told by my mother, my dolls began going
to Business College and having Big Church
Weddings at the time I was about 3 years of age.

You may not find that so strange, but let
me finish the story... I grew up in a
very poor family. My father was a share
cropper on a cotton farm in Southeast Missouri.

No one in my family - - not a brother, sister,
cousin, aunt, uncle - - nobody - - had ever
gone to school past High school, and nobody
had ever even attended a Big Church Wedding.

Nobody had any idea where these terms came from!
I don't know either.

My mother supported me in my dreams. My father
objected intensely. It was just unheard of for
a young lady to leave those cotton fields and
go to the big city.

Those dreams dominated my life. Everything I
did even as a child was directed by my dream.
There was no money to pay tuition for Business
College and my father knew that, BUT...
I did not accept it. When not working in
the cotton fields due to weather conditions,
I worked in a department store in town. That
money went into my bank account which I had
for as long as I can remember.

Every penny I could earn went into my bank
account to save towards paying school tuition.
I helped my mother with her sale of fresh
eggs and we quietly placed that money into
my bank account.

My Senior class went on a Trip to St. Louis.
That cost money which would be needed for
tuition. I was the only Senior that did not
make that trip. Just one example of what
priorities can do.

You probably get the picture... I did go
to Business College in Memphis. I had a Big
Church Wedding. And my life proceeded.

We all have dreams. But do we really set
goals to achieve them. Everyone knows that
goal setting works, but almost nobody uses
goal setting.

Why? What are we going to do about it?

One reason we fail to set goals is fear
of failure. We don't want to realize, or
have others realize, we were a failure.

Winners don't view failures as failures,
but rather as learning experiences and
opportunities. Did Thomas Edison succeed the
first time he tried to invent the light bulb?

Obstacles will certainly come our way. But
if our goal is actually a dream that propels
our life, we can correct our course and
move steadily toward the goal.

So the only way to guarantee failure is to
not set goals at all. Sometimes we expect
a miracle, just not realizing that dreams
cannot come true without goal setting.

Dreams will not come true unless we actually
DO something. Goals are step by step
plans creating the path to dreams. Goals
give purpose and direction.

What changes one from a dreamer to a doer?

When one has a dream and no goals, they are
talkers and not doers. How do you tell what
a person really believes? By his actions, not
by his words.

Don't wait for a miracle. Take action!

To accomplish great things we must not just
have a goal but also dream. Not only a goal,
but also believe.
Darlene Styers is Publisher of iNetProfitz
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About the Author

Darlene Styers is Publisher of iNetProfitz. http://iNetProfitz.2ya.com
This Article may be reprinted if it is not
edited and if this Resource Box is left intact.
Darlene may be reached at iNetProfitz@hcis.net