Good and Evil

What a wonderful time to be the President of the United States! If you are President, you are king. You can spend a trillion dollars of other people's money and thousands of lives, to hunt down one personal enemy. You can do it in the name of freedom and democracy. Any who might get in your way will pat you on the back and say; "Go get em". You can do it in the name of God, which makes it good. King George looked upon all he had created and it was very good.

"Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good." Woe unto those who can no longer tell the difference. King George knows the difference. Anything he does with a stated good intention is good, no matter what the immediate and long term outcome. No matter what or who it costs. Are you low on self esteem? Borrow some from the king. He has more than the rest of us combined. He is the good tree and he produces only good fruit. Won't you take a bite? Go ahead. Eat - For these are the end of times and we will get fooled again.

A new world outpost is founded upon the idea of freedom and shared responsibility. True to historical roots, it soon goes whoring for money and power. It is successful in ways the world had never seen. It creates war for nearly every generation. It creates obscene debt and consolidates the money and power. It makes kings and it destroys them. It teaches its children that all it does is very good. War is good, money is good, and spending for today is good. Consolidating economic power in ever fewer hands is good; that all servants will eventually have but one master.

Evil is any and all that interferes with this process. We deserve nothing but the first and very best of everything. Hell, we deserve all of every good thing. They deserve less than what they have and none of what we have. We build monuments to our great goodness. If evil befalls us in any way, it is unjust. We do nothing that deserves punishment. The evil that befalls us is created by jealous enemies who must destroy the goodness they despise and are unworthy of.

We believe such foolish drivel because we have been taught to do so and we prefer to do so. Truth has become a tool to perpetuate myths-false, fraudulent myths. With nothing but fraud and deceit to unite us, we divide. We doubt. Most importantly for kings and power mongers, we fear. If we do not go with the flow, if we do not get with the program, we will be locked in cages. "Oh no master, please don't lock me in a cage. I will do whatever you wish. I will call good evil and evil good. I will vote in rigged elections. I will pay you the first fruits of my labor, in tribute to your 'holy' power. I will support your every scheme and endeavor. I will never speak or act against you. I will ever be your faithful servant and sing your praises. I will be one with you. Please, please, don't lock me in a cage".

Give thanks for your cages all you faithful. Without them, the master would have to beat and murder you to keep the others in line. Examples I say. We must always make examples. Evil done in the name of good is good. Good done in the name of evil is evil. Appearance is all that matters. What you do not see does not exist. As the good man said; "I'll believe it when I see it and only then, maybe". 1984 is twenty years late but it is here. Welcome to our brave new world.

You are old and collecting your benefits when it strikes you how the college education that doubled your expectation of income and gave you self esteem and confidence; was a fence to keep you on the animal farm with minimal complaint. You were told what to want, what really matters and how you could obtain it, all your life. You sacrificed wisdom, love, gratitude, reverence, healing, peace, joy, happiness, laughter, and prosperity for a pen and pasture on the farm. Ah, sweet security - Social Security. Have we not all made this trade to stay free of the cages?

You are old and confused. You sensed something was wrong from your earliest memories. Exposed to a lifetime of contradictions, frauds and lies, you could never quite put your finger on the wrongness. You learned to fear the truth that might land you in a cage. Avoiding the cages became your purpose in life. Fear became your constant companion and informed your every decision avoidance, your earthly mission.

You had no compassion for those who went to the cages. You were sure they were to be feared when they came out. Those who went to the cages most certainly deserved it, because they did not make it their life purpose to avoid them, as you did. You have been wise as they have been foolish. You did not care how people were treated in the cages. If life in a cage was not enough, there were people nearby to provide additional daily punishments. You did not want to know the details. All is as it should be. Endless punishment for social transgressions must be God's plan for man; otherwise there would be no cages to fear. In the end you patted yourself on the back. You lived in a cage of fear you made for yourself. Well done!

About the Author

Freelance writer published on websites and in newspapers.