Good Communication is Easy. Isn’t It

One of the basic skills to great success is great communication. Learn some of the easy secrets to understanding the people around you.

My name is Steve Brummet My business is to speak to businesses, teams, schools, churches, non profit organizations and just people about improving their communication skills. Most communication experts agree that good communication starts with understanding.

If we develop skills that help us better understand people, wont we be able to become better teachers, coaches, parents, salespeople and business people? Doesn’t it make sense that if we learn to be more effective in our communication everything around us will change for the better?

I am asked all the time;

“Can’t I be a good communicator by just opening my mouth and saying the words? Won’t most people understand what I’m trying to say?”

I am going to answer that question by giving you a few examples of bad communication.

I had a good night tradition for my kids when they were little. Every evening since before they could talk, I would say good night and tuck them into bed a certain way.

“Alizabeth Kai Brummet. You are the most wonderful and amazing Alizabeth Kai Brummet in the whole wide world. God loves you. God made you and just the you are is special. Alizabeth Kai, God has a wonderful plan for your life. Goodnight, sweet dreams, I love you.”

All I wanted to do was let my children know that they were very special and very loved. Simple, sweet and impossible to misunderstand. Right? Well…

One night I was telling Kai goodnight and when I got to the part about - “Alizabeth Kai, God has a wonderful plan for your life.” She stopped me and asked;

Daddy. When will God give me my special plant?”

Special plant?!? One word, just one word changed much of my message to my daughter.

When I think of examples of bad communication, I think of the newspaper advertisement that read;

“For Sale - beautiful Braille bible. Must SEE to appreciate”

They missed their target audience by one word. SEE.

I have heard the radio ad for a miracle drug that promises to grow hair. The company is so proud of this product that they guarantee to double the amount of hair you have or your money back.

They never once tell me exactly where this hair will grow… what if they double the hair in my ears? Not very convincing is it?

My son gave me an example of miscommunication recently. At the end of a long road trip he yelled up from the back of the van;


Surprised at his behavior, I turned back to him and said;

“STEVEN KADE BRUMMET! You had better remember that you are talking to your DADDY!”

Of course I expected him to humbly rethink his position and answer me differently. Instead he cocked his head to one side, looked me kind of funny and said;


I missed it. I failed in my communication with my son.

To improve your key relationships with clients, employees, children, students spouses and more, you must improve your communication skills and understanding. But, good communication is easy. Isn't It??

About the Author

Steve Brummet is a communication expert, writer and speaker who works with all types of organizations to increase understanding of communication styles.

Better communication can help you and your organization reduce stress and increase productivity. For more information on one of our workshops, please feel free to call or write.