Grief And The Holidays

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Author: Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
copyright: by Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW
Web Address:
Word Count: 422
Category: Coping With Grief And The Holidays


The holidays bring grief to an all new height for those who are
suffering from losses or struggle with depression, anxiety,
chronic illness or other such disorders. This newsletter is for
those who suffer and for those who love them.

If it's a merry Christmas for you, please take a moment to
forward this, or print it off the article and give to a friend
or family member in need.

This will be an action-based holiday survival guide. Let's

1. PLAN AHEAD - Don't allow the holidays to simply happen.

Plan ahead for the best outcome.

2. PERFORM AT YOUR ABILITY - Accept your limitations and

don't beat yourself up for not having the Christmas you

think you "ought" to have.

3. CUT OUT OR CREATE NEW RITUALS - If specific rituals are

too painful, leave them out this year. Add a new holiday


4. ASK FOR HELP - Reach out to others for help shopping,

cooking, wrapping etc.

5. VOCALIZE YOUR NEEDS - Tell folks you're struggling. Be

specific about how they can help.

6. BE HUMAN - You may assume things will be fine, and

suddenly a song brings back memories... then pain. Feel

the pain. Tears are an honest expression of love and

sadness. It's okay. It's also okay to shift plans in

the moment if needed.

7. MEMORIALIZE YOUR LOVED ONE - Make a donation to a charity

in honor of your loved one who has died. If you're

depressed, make a donation to mental health research

through NAMI.

8. TALK ABOUT THE DECEASED - It's healthy and normal to tell

stories about the deceased.

9. KEEP GOOD COMPANY - Choose to be around folks you feel

safe and comfortable with during the holiday season.

10. BE WARY OF QUICK FIXES - Folks who hurt are particularly

vulnerable during the holidays. Watch out for alcohol

and drug abuse, over-spending etc.

11. PRACTICE GUIDE - Make a list of all the gifts your loved

one brought to the world. Keep these close by. Or make

a list of all things you're grateful for in your life.

12. BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF - Practice the love towards

yourself that Christ taught us.

Please allow for your humanness, for fluctuations in your mood.
If you are suffering, you're working with much less physical and
emotional energy than most. Remember, grieving is nature's way
of healing mind, body and spirit. Allow yourself access to
grief, while your wounds heal. You'll be up and running again
when it's time.

May God's healing arms wrap you up throughout the holidays.

About the Author

Dave Turo-Shields, ACSW, LCSW is an author, university faculty
member, success coach and veteran psychotherapist whose passion
is guiding others to their own success in life. For weekly
doses of the webs HOTTEST success tips, sign up for Dave’s
powerful “Feeling Great!” ezine at